[opendtv] Re: Transition Begins?

  • From: "Dale Kelly" <dalekelly@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <opendtv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 19 May 2005 10:02:17 -0700

Bob wrote:
> Why did they bother with 55? And I wonder if they will now find a 
> station to move to in the core since it is that or bye bye.
> John says nothing is available now, are you suggest there may be?

This is known as a "displacement allocation". Most LPTV licenses are
secondary to full power allocations, therefore, if an LPTV channel is 
filed upon and subsequently allocated a full power analog or DTV 
construction permit, the displaced LPTV owner can file for a 
replacement channel. Channel 55 was available under the current 
rules for such allocations, therefore it was issued.

However, when the DTV transition actually occurs and analog is 
turned off, other channels will be available for a second wave of 
low power/full power displacement actions which will occur across 
the country. Qualicom will then take "operating" ownership of 
Ch.55 in Santa Barbara.

This is generally how things work and the FCC follows current rules, 
however illogical they may sometimes appear to non broadcasters.

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