• From: Craig Birkmaier <craig@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: opendtv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004 10:56:30 -0400

At 2:27 PM -0400 10/20/04, Manfredi, Albert E wrote:
Overall a good analysis Bert, but I need to call you on the 
scientific research issue.

>The Republican party seems to have been highjacked
>by the religious right? Republicans finding themselves
>opposing scientific research on religious/moral
>grounds? When did this happen? Or using human rights
>arguments to justify an invasion? That's a strange
>indeed. What happened to the undercurrent of
>isolationism the Republicans have always been known

Yes there are some in the religious right who oppose ANY form of 
embryonic stem cell research, but this is certainly not 
representative of the views of the current administration or most 
republicans I know. This is the FIRST administration to authorize the 
use of federal research funds for embryonic stem cell research; they 
justified this based on the existence of a significant number of 
lines of stem cells already in use.

There is no ban on private funding for ANY form of stem cell 
research, and I am not aware of any legislation to make this illegal. 
So the only thing at play here is the decision to use more federal 
money to open up more lines of embryonic stem cells for government 
funded research. Given the scientific REALITY that other sources of 
stem cells are proving to have more potential, I see no reason why 
the government should spend even more money until there is some 
scientific evidence that this is a useful avenue for further research.

>This is the weirdest election I've seen, certainly.
>And it's even more strange to hear Democracts and
>Republicans debate their inconsistent views so

It's the ultimate in Reality TV Bert.

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