[opendtv] Re: OCAP - will it continue to move forward

  • From: Bill Sheppard <Bill.Sheppard@xxxxxxx>
  • To: opendtv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2004 12:46:22 -0700

John Willkie wrote:

>Bill, your "points" about compatibility is belied by the absent formatting
>of your own posts.
>You -- I can only assume you are on Sun hardware -- post messages in a
>format that makes it impossible for the rest of the world to read them,
>since paragraph breaks are missing, and the individual 'grafs are converted
>into a long, dense block of text, and there is little or no separation
>between your points of view and the ones you are responding to.
Chalk it up to a Mozilla bug (running on a Toshiba laptop, not Sun).  
The gory details, I have "opendtv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" set in my addressbook 
to post as plaintext, but for some reason when I send Mozilla is 
stripping all formatting.  If I manually choose Options / Format / Plain 
Text it's fine.

>Get a clue!  You have apparently solved some compatibility issues, but for
>the vast majority of list readers, the effort required to parse your posts
>into quote and response is not worth the payoff.
I've reposted each of the errant posts with formatting, and now that 
I've tracked down the problem there shouldn't be a problem going forward!


Bill Sheppard                                  Industry Marketing Manager
bill.sheppard@xxxxxxx                   Consumer and Mobile Systems Group
(408) 404-1254 (x68154)                            Sun Microsystems, Inc.

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