[opendtv] Re: News: Reps. Barton, Stearns Offer Alternative DTV Bill

  • From: Albert Manfredi <albert.e.manfredi@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <opendtv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2009 20:43:23 -0500

Tom Barry wrote:
> John Shutt wrote:
>> But I wonder if there would be anti-trust issues if
>> all broadcasters in a market pooled their 'bits'
>> for a 30 channel service?
> Why would pooling anything help anyway? Unless you
> mean for a pay premium service?
I took that to mean that broadcasters in a market would get together to decide 
what fabulous "freeview" lineup they could offer, all together. So some might 
consider that "collusion."
By the way, it *is* 30 channels that I receive now, just like the scan 
indicated before. It's true that CW54 dropped first one, then two multicasts. 
But the local NBC O&O saved the day, by offering Universal Sports. So overall, 
the total went from 31 to 30. And no problem at all going to 40 or even beyond, 
even while still having the spectrum cluttered up with analog channels.
What's more, the PAX station, out to the WSW of us and not totally reliable in 
the past (although good enough that I have recorded programs from it), will be 
taking over the UHF 1 MW transmitter currently used by CBS9. That will make it 
one of the strongest signals in the market.
I don't know how anyone can complain about the infrastructure's potential. It's 
just a matter of putting it all to good use.
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