[opendtv] Re: Gulf Oil Spill

  • From: "Tom McMahon" <TLM@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <opendtv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2010 19:42:40 -0700

OT, but Someone Wrote: "Try describing the many images of the oil leaking
from the Deepwater Horizon
in a 5 minute radio newscast, if you can find one.

Last I knew, there is still an FCC rule that forbids the transmission of 
'false or deceptive' information over the airwaves."
Top 10 Dumbest Quotes About the Gulf Oil Spill 
  The Most Ridiculous and Delusional Statements 
  About BP's Oil Spill Disaster 
  By Daniel Kurtzman 
1. "We're sorry for the massive disruption it's caused their 
lives. There's no one who wants this over more than I do. I 
would like my life back." -BP chief executive Tony Hayward, 
on the oil spill disaster that claimed 11 lives and has 
spewed millions of gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, 
May 31, 2010 
2. "I think the environmental impact of this disaster is 
likely to have been very, very modest." -Tony Hayward, 
interview with Sky News television, May 18, 2010 
3. "What better way to head off more oil drilling, nuclear 
plants, than by blowing up a rig? I'm just noting the 
timing, here." -Rush Limbaugh, suggesting that 
"environmentalist whackos" deliberately blew up the oil rig 
in the Gulf of Mexico in order to stop offshore drilling, 
April 29, 2010 
4. "Extreme deep water drilling is not the preferred choice 
to meet our country's energy needs, but your protests and 
lawsuits and lies about onshore and shallow water drilling 
have locked up safer areas. It's catching up with you. The 
tragic, unprecedented deep water Gulf oil spill proves it." 
-Sarah Palin, blaming the Gulf oil spill disaster on 
"extreme environmentalists," Facebook message, June 2, 2010 
5. "The ocean will take care of this on its own if it was 
left alone and left out there. It's natural. It's as natural 
as the ocean water is." -Rush Limbaugh, May 3, 2010 
6. "There's a good question today if you are standing on the 
Gulf, and that is: Where is the oil?" -FOX News anchor Brit 
Hume, scoffing at the BP oil spill disaster, May 16, 2010 
7. "What I don't like from the president's administration is 
this sort of, 'I'll put my boot heel on the throat of BP. I 
think that sounds really un-American in his criticism of 
business. I've heard nothing from BP about not paying for 
the spill. And I think it's part of this sort of blame-game 
society in the sense that it's always got to be someone's 
fault instead of the fact that sometimes accidents happen." 
-Rand Paul, the conservative Tea Party candidate who won the 
Republican Senate primary in Kentucky, May 21, 2010 
8. "From time to time there are going to be things that 
occur that are acts of God that cannot be prevented." -Texas 
Gov. Rick Perry, May 3, 2010 
9. "The Gulf of Mexico is a very big ocean. The amount of 
volume of oil and dispersant we are putting into it is tiny 
in relation to the total water volume." -Tony Hayward, May 
14, 2010 
10. Yeah, of course I am." -Tony Hayward, when asked if he 
sleeps at night, Forbes, May 18, 2010 
~Compiled by Daniel Kurtzman http://politicalhumor.about.com/mbiopage.htm

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