[opendtv] Re: Chairman Copps to Silicon Valley

  • From: Craig Birkmaier <craig@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: opendtv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2010 07:10:26 -0400

At 5:17 PM -0500 6/10/10, Manfredi, Albert E wrote:
Another argument he makes is about how the news media have been decimated. Quoting:

"Newsrooms have been shuttered, reporters taken off the beat and fired, and investigative journalism put on the endangered species list. Some try to tell us this is the natural result of changes in technology and markets, but the facts tell another story. Truth be told, in the case of traditional media, whether newspapers or broadcasting, it was bad choices by the private sector (through heedless consolidation that saddled companies with unmanageable debt) and even worse choices by government (through the FCC's evisceration of the public interest protections that had undergirded the country's media landscape) that visited such harm on the American people, on our democracy and, ironically, on even the media companies themselves."

Seems hard to believe. These media are being eviscerated by loss of consumer interest, if anything, and universal broadband access can only accelerate that process.

I tend to agree with Bert on this one. I'm not sure it is just a case of losing interest.

Without getting too political, I believe it has a great deal to do with a loss in credibility and confidence that the traditional media are actually reporting the news. Too often it seems these days that the media is in the business of "making the news..."


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