[ola] Re: Suggestions and input

  • From: Troy Longstroth <troy_longstroth@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "ola@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <ola@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 11:34:10 -0800


Good questions.  I have a lot of the same ones in my classes, especially as
I reflect and try to improve to start this new semester.

My routine is basically going to be as follows.  Of course, there are a lot
of days when it would flex greatly, but it gives me a structure.  I have 50
minute classes:

1.  Written warmup in notebook.  (5-10 minutes).  We have 2 campuses and
some kids come in a bit late, so this allows the ones that are on time to
get started on something useful.  Late kids will have to makeup warmups on
their own time.  I'll post the prompts online.

2.  Circle- Greetings, vocabulary review, partner conversations, rhythm
games, etc. (~20 minutes)  No notebooks.

3.  Additional activity- breakout groups, pairs, or individual.  Reading,
games, skits, etc.  (~15 minutes)

4.  Wrap up- kids record new vocabulary on the board and in their
notebooks.  Homework/writing prompt assigned, as needed.

I do have chairs in my room stacked against the wall.  We use them for some
games, but not daily.  During warmups and other journal times, I just have
kids sit on the floor.  My room has carpet.  Chairs wouldn't hurt, but it's
extra time to get them out and put them away.

I too feel like we generate and record a LOT of vocabulary, but don't
review it enough.  One of my goals this year is to slow down and repeat
more so that it is actually internalized, instead of just "covered."

I hope that helps a little bit.


Troy Longstroth
Spanish and Outdoor Recreation Teacher
*Redmond Proficiency Academy*
cell:  541-977-3143

On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 10:23 AM, Jody Soberon <jodyso@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> Good morning,
> I am trying to re-invent my classes this coming semester. I, and my
> students suffered several set backs and unmet goals. I did take a fabuous
> workshop this past weekend which was quite helpful, but need more input.
> (one day was just not enough;)!) I would love to hear from the OWL
> community. Please feel free to just answer one or two or all. :)
> 1. What does the structure of your class like? Do you all start and end in
> circle? If so, how much time is involved? (I have 55 min classes).
> a) Do your students carry their books with the during circle to help with
> drawing and describing?
> b) When you break into pairs/trios. etc How long do you give them to cover
> the topic for Level 1, Level 2, etc. Then transition and same topic, thread
> from the topic, etc.
> 2. How much time is spent on journaling and do you journal everyday? It
> seems they don't have nearly enough in their journals.
> a) How many pages do your A or M students usually have per week/Quarter?
> 3. Do you break circle for an activity or activities every day?
> a) How long do activities usually last in your classroom?
> b) Do students sit on the floor for the activity?
> c) Do you have chairs available at all?
> 4. About how many vocab words are you adding every day/week? ( It seems I
> have been adding too many and then not working with them long enough - kind
> of like it's been all about creating and drawing out vocabulary, but then
> not enough practice for vocab to be learned/acquired).
> Thank you so much for your input!
> Jody

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