[obol] Wash. Co. Y-B Chat

  • From: Lars Per Norgren <larspernorgren@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: obol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 17 Jun 2015 15:31:31 -0700

Ken Chamberlain's report from Till Co prompts me to mention a Chat that has
been singing two weeks in a row along the Banks-Vernonia Linear Park. There's a
series of white markers for the fiber-optics cable. The Chat is at 152, that's
between mp 5.0 and 5.5, just a bit uphill from the crossing with Pongratz Road.
As usual a somewhat recent clearcut filling up with Scots' Broom. This is only
the second territorial bird I've detected in the area in 22 years. All others
were one day wonders. The same spot has regularly had Willow Flys ever since
the logging. Today I also heard Gray Jays along the trail, and saw a Bobcat at
the summit. It's a common species in the area (much more abundant than Chats
I'm sure) but very hard to detect.
A fledgling Gray Jay was at our Manning house 6-12. That's four days
later than average, and only one in the brood where three has been typical.

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  • » [obol] Wash. Co. Y-B Chat - Lars Per Norgren