[obol] It is that there is no snow at Santiam Pass

  • From: Roy Gerig <roygerig@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "obol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <obol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2015 17:12:16 -0800

Bill Tice called this morning and we went up to the Santiam Pass east of Salem 
to look for the Pine Grosbeaks that I think Judy M from Bend reported.  Not 
surprisingly they were gone.  We saw a total of 2 birds on our one or two hour 
long hike up the Pacific Crest Trail where we saw exactly 2 birds, a Robin and 
a Raven.  I told Bill I was not going to write about this but then I did.
I might be of the Old Guard, I see some of you in your young 50s like Joel, 
even Alan and lsdIrons, who claim old status.  No kidding, you are not old.  
Except for the tumor in my back a few years ago, I would not be feeling old 
either.  Now, I have visited the Cascades quite a bit all through my life,  
Bill and I were there today.  Until you get a few hundred feet above the pass 
at 4800' there is exactly no snow, and even at 5000 plus it is only small 
patches in the shade.  I have never seen this, even after visiting the Cascades 
to ski, or go through, all of my life in winter.
I have not ever seen no snow at pass level in February, and I doubt you can 
Roy Gerig, Salem OR



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