[obol] Re: Crows. Names, misnomers for...

  • From: Gerard Lillie <gerardlillie@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "tmcmac67@xxxxxxxxx" <tmcmac67@xxxxxxxxx>, OBOL <obol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 11:15:15 -0700

Here here, indeed. 

Gerard Lillie
Portland, OR

Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 10:16:20 -0700
Subject: [obol] Crows. Names, misnomers for...
From: tmcmac67@xxxxxxxxx
To: obol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx


I just returned from giving Tule her morning perambulation in Mt. Tabor park 
and found, to my delight, a pile of crows in my front yard and immediate 
surrounds. No, no McNamara,  not a "pile" you mean a murder. Yeahyeah
There were upwards of 100 and the majority were giving voice.  I knew of the 
murder, the flogged murmuration of starlings, the wisp of teal etc. But as I 
was looking at the raucous buggers I was thinking that they reminded me of a 
kind of  a hyper-obstreperous version of one Tolkien's  Ent moots.  There was 
no raptor about that they were taking to task they just seemed to be yelling. 
So if not a moot, then maybe a British Parliament; all that vociferous 
yapping---that seemed like an apt analog.  But owls have the collective name 
claim for Parliament ostensibly because they are wise and deliberative. 
Parliament = wise and deliberative--there's a poser.  Methinks they should sign 
over the brand to the crows...full of sound and fury,signifying whoknowswhat. 
But it's damn entertaining.
good birding,

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