[nim-dev] Re: Freeimage could not import

  • From: OderWat <nimforum@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: nim-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2015 02:38:18 +0000

Hey @jyelon. I fear that your PR does not work this way. I am not sure how you
got the Nim-Lang Repo into your Github account but I think it is not a "fork"
of the original repo.

You need to "fork" (press fork in github) in the original Nim-Lang Nim repo

After that you "git clone" your fork onto your computer: ``git clone
<yourforkuri>``. Then you checkout devel on your computer: ``git checkout
devel``. Then you create a branch for your changes: ``git checkout -b
yourbranchname``. After you made those changes you add/commit them (guess that
is known by you now). Then you need to push your changes to your repository
fork on github: ``git push -u origin yourbranchname``. After that go to your
github site. You will see that it offers to create a pull request! There you
select as base-fork the "nim-lang/Nim" and the "devel" branch and as head-fork
"your/Nim" and "yourbranchname".

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