[nasional_list] [ppiindia] Re: Foto-foto Tank dan Rudal Buatan Iran

  • From: "RM Danardono HADINOTO" <rm_danardono@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: ppiindia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2008 08:10:57 -0000

..... dan, dalam Perang Enam Hari itu yang dimenangkan gloriously 
oleh balatentara Israil itu, persekutuan tentara negara negara Arab 
pakai senjata buatan siapa? Bukan senjata kafirun?

--- In ppiindia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Peter Sleman <senc_p@...> wrote:
> waduh, ayat yg seram, kalo ada musuh Allah, ya pasti gak perlu 
bantuan negara2 Islam manapun apalagi bung Nizami seupil, wong Dia 
adalah Al Khalik, pasti Dia Maha Kuasa utk melenyapkan musuh2 
Nya.........., tapi dulu tahun 1967 5- 11 juni,ada perang 6 hari 
antara yahudi israel dan Arab yg populasinya berbanding 4 juta dgn 
150juta, tp yg menang yahudi atau arab? coba bung Nizami jawab; yg 
musuh Allah itu yahudi atau arab?.
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: A Nizami <nizaminz@...>
> To: lisi <lisi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; ppiindia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2008 9:58:16
> Subject: [ppiindia] Foto-foto Tank dan Rudal Buatan Iran
> Kapan ya Indonesia bisa buat pesawat tempur, tank, dan rudal 
> Foto-foto Tank dan Rudal2 buatan Iran bisa dilihat di:
> http://syiarislam. wordpress. com
> â??Dan siapkanlah untuk menghadapi mereka kekuatan apa saja yang 
kamu sanggupi dan dari kuda-kuda yang ditambat untuk berperang (yang 
dengan persiapan itu) kamu menggentarkan musuh Allah dan musuhmu dan 
orang orang selain mereka yang kamu tidak mengetahuinya; sedang Allah 
mengetahuinya. Apa saja yang kamu nafkahkan pada jalan Allah niscaya 
akan dibalasi dengan cukup kepadamu dan kamu tidak akan dianiaya 
(dirugikan).â?? [Al Anfaal:60]
> Allah memerintahkan ummat Islam untuk selalu siap siaga dengan 
segala kekuatan yang kita mampu untuk menggentarkan musuh Allah dan 
musuh ummat Islam sehingga tidak berani menyerang.
> Tidak pantas ummat Islam membeli senjata kepada orang-orang kafir 
yang memusuhi Islam karena senjata yang dijual pasti mutunya lebih 
rendah daripada yang dipakai oleh negara kafir tersebut. Selain itu 
jika perang, maka negara kafir tersebut dengan mudah mengembargo 
spare part peralatan tempur sehingga senjata-senjata yang ada seperti 
pesawat terbang, tank, kapal perang bisa jadi besi tua yang tidak 
> Republik Islam Iran telah berhasil membuat pesawat tempur sendiri 
Saeqeh yang gambarnya bisa dilihat di www.syiarislam. wordpress. com. 
Selain itu mereka juga membuat tank-tank Zulfiqar dengan berat 40 
ton. Tank tersebut dilengkapi sistem penembakan dengan komputer, 
penuntun laser sehingga tembakannya akurat seperti sniper hingga 
jarak 4000 meter, dan alat penglihat di waktu malam.
> http://www.globalse curity.org/ military/ world/iran/ zulfiqar. htm
> Selain itu Iran juga membuat sendiri rudal (peluru kendali) Shahab 
3 yang mampu menjangkau lebih dari 2.000 km sehingga bisa mencapai 
Israel dan 32 Pangkalan Militer AS yang tersebar di Timur Tengah, 
Iraq, Afghanistan, dan Pakistan.
> Rudah Shahab 3 mampu mengangkat 1 ton cluster bomb sehingga banyak 
bom bisa disebar di wilayah yang luas hanya dengan satu rudal. Rudal 
ini bisa dikendalikan dari ruang navigasi sehingga jika melenceng 
bisa dikembalikan ke target sasaran. Jika melenceng terlalu jauh bisa 
> "Kalau AS atau Israel menembakkan satu saja peluru ke Iran, 
Angkatan Bersenjata Iran tidak akan segan-segan melakukan serangan 
balasan ke jantung Israel dan 32 basis militer AS di kawasan Teluk, " 
tukas Zolnoor, yang menjadi wakil Ayatullah Khamenei di Korps Garda 
Revolusi Islam (IRGC).
> Negara-negara Islam lainnya seperti Indonesia, Pakistan, 
Bangladesh, dan sebagainya harusnya berusaha membuat senjata sendiri 
sehingga bisa mempertahankan negerinya bukan hanya dari serangan 
fisik secara langsung, tapi juga penjajahan terselubung seperti 
penjajahan ekonomi yang menguras kekayaan negara-negara Islam 
sehingga rakyatnya miskin, sementara negara-negara kafir harbi 
tersebut kaya raya.
> Berikut gambar-gambar dan artikel-artikel tentang persenjataan Iran 
yang dibuat sendiri oleh mereka.
> Iran missile test sends message to US, Israel
> By ALI AKBAR DAREINI, Associated Press Writer 1 hour, 8 minutes ago
> TEHRAN, Iran - Iran test-fired nine missiles Wednesday, including 
ones capable of hitting Israel, making a dramatic show of its 
readiness to strike back if the United States or Israel attacks it 
over its nuclear program.
> The launches sparked strong U.S. criticism and a jump in oil prices 
â?" underlining fears Iran might seal off the Strait of Hormuz, the 
Gulf waterway through which 40 percent of the world's crude passes, 
if military conflict does break out.
> The tests of the long- and medium-range missiles did not appear to 
mark a significant advance in Iran's missile capability â?" similar 
ones have been tested previously. But the timing and location were 
clearly aimed to send a message, coming as Iran has sharply stepped 
up the tone of its warnings of retaliation if attacked. This week, a 
top official of Iran's Revolutionary Guards, Ali Shirazi, warned Tel 
Aviv would be "set on fire" in any Iranian retaliation.
> The tests took place amid a military exercise that Iran has been 
conducting in the Hormuz strait, where Tehran has threatened to block 
oil traffic in response to any U.S. or Israeli military action.
> Iran has long warned it would strike back for any attack against 
it. But it has sharpened its rhetoric since Israel's military sent 
warplanes over the eastern Mediterranean in June for a large military 
exercise that U.S. officials described as a possible rehearsal for a 
strike on Iran's nuclear facilities.
> Gen. Hossein Salami, the Revolutionary Guards air force commander, 
said Iran's war games this week â?" code-named "Noble Prophet" 
â?" "demonstrate our resolve and might against enemies who in recent 
weeks have threatened Iran with harsh language," state TV reported.
> "Hundreds and maybe thousands of missiles are ready to be fired at 
specified targets," he said. "A small part of our defense options was 
put on display for the world today. Our real reaction against enemy 
threats will be quicker and stronger."
> The West needs to "assess Iran's might accurately," he added.
> State TV aired footage of at least six missiles being fired 
simultaneously, and said the barrage included a new version of the 
Shahab-3 missile, which officials have said has a range of 1,250 
miles and is armed with a 1-ton conventional warhead. That would put 
Israel, Turkey, the Arabian peninsula, Afghanistan and Pakistan 
within striking distance. The TV report did not say whether the test 
took place near the Hormuz strait.
> The U.S. Defense Department said it was studying the test to 
determine exactly what was launched and what it shows about Tehran's 
missile capabilities.
> Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice called Wednesday's 
tests "evidence that the missile threat is not an imaginary one."
> "Those who say that there is no Iranian missile threat against 
which we should build a missile defense system perhaps ought to talk 
to the Iranians about their claims," Rice said while traveling in 
Sofia, Bulgaria.
> On Tuesday, Rice and Czech counterpart Karel Schwarzenberg signed a 
deal allowing the U.S. to base a missile defense shield in the Czech 
> Defense Secretary Robert Gates said the test bolsters the U.S. 
argument that Tehran is a threat and a missile defense system is 
needed in Europe.
> A White House spokesman called the tests "completely inconsistent 
with Iran's obligations to the world" and said they further isolate 
the country.
> Iran should "refrain from further missile tests if they truly seek 
to gain the trust of the world," said Gordon Johndroe, spokesman for 
the National Security Council, speaking from Japan where President 
Bush is attending the Group of Eight summit.
> Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said Iran's missile 
tests highlight the need for direct diplomacy as well as tougher 
threats of economic sanctions and strong incentives to persuade 
Tehran to change its behavior.
> John McCain, the Republican seeking the presidency, said the tests 
demonstrate a need for effective missile defense, including missile 
defense in Europe and the defense system the U.S. plans with the 
Czech Republic and Poland. Oil prices rose Wednesday on news of the 
tests, along with a U.S. government report showing crude stockpiles 
fell more than expected. Light, sweet crude for August delivery rose 
$1.50 to $137.54 a barrel in early afternoon trading on the New York 
Mercantile Exchange.
> Israeli defense officials said there were no major surprises in the 
latest Iranian missile tests. The officials said they appeared to be 
more of an exercise in psychological warfare than a breakthrough in 
military technology.
> "Israel does not desire hostility and conflict with Iran," Israeli 
government spokesman Mark Regev said. "But it is clear that the 
Iranian nuclear program and the Iranian ballistic missile program is 
a matter of grave concern."
> The test could also be aimed to show the West there cannot be a 
military solution to the standoff with Iran over its nuclear 
ambitions. Iran denies U.S. accusations it seeks to build nuclear 
weapons, and earlier this week it sent a response to a Western 
package of economic incentives aimed at pushing it to halt uranium 
enrichment. EU officials have said they are still evaluating the 
response, but Tehran has insisted it will not suspend enrichment.
> Iranian leaders have said they don't believe the U.S. or Israel 
will attack, citing U.S. problems in Iraq and the effect on already 
soaring oil prices. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Tuesday called 
the idea of an attack a "funny joke."
> But at the same, Iran has been more vocal in warning of the fallout 
of any U.S. or Israeli strike.
> The semi-official Fars news agency, which is believed to be close 
to the Revolutionary Guards, reported details on the missiles tested 
Wednesday, saying they included a "newly upgraded" Shahab-3, first 
tested in its longest-range version in 2004.
> The Shehab-3 tested Wednesday has been designed with a "cluster" 
warhead, that allows it to release multiple bombs over a wider area, 
Fars said, without elaborating. It also boasts a more accurate 
navigational system that allows a control room to bring the missile 
back on route if it strays or destroy it if it goes too far off 
course, it said.
> Baca artikel selengkapnya di:
> http://news. yahoo.com/ s/ap/20080710/ ap_on_re_ mi_ea/iran_ 
> Jika Diserang, Jantung Israel dan 32 Basis Militer AS Akan Jadi 
Target Iran
> Minggu, 13 Jul 08 18:54 WIB
> Iran menegaskan, angkatan bersenjatanya akan menjadikan jantung 
Israel dan sekitar 32 basis militer AS sebagai target serangan jika 
kedua negara itu menyerang Iran. Iran bahkan menegaskan, akan 
melakukan serangan balasan sebelum debu-debu akibat serangan AS dan 
Israel menghilang.
> "Jika musuh terlalu percaya diri bahwa mereka akan menang dalam 
serangannya ke Iran, mereka tidak akan merasakannya bahkan hanya 
dalam waktu sehari saja, " kata Mojtaba Zolnoor, salah seorang 
penasehat bagi pimpinan Revolusi Islam di Iran.
> Saat ini, lewat upaya para pakar di Iran, kemampuan militer 
angkatan bersenjata militer Iran telah mencapai level yang canggih.
> "Kalau AS atau Israel menembakkan satu saja peluru ke Iran, 
Angkatan Bersenjata Iran tidak akan segan-segan melakukan serangan 
balasan ke jantung Israel dan 32 basis militer AS di kawasan Teluk, " 
tukas Zolnoor, yang menjadi wakil Ayatullah Khamenei di Korps Garda 
Revolusi Islam (IRGC).
> Baca artikel selengkapnya di:
> http://eramuslim. com/berita/ int/8713185347- jika-diserang- 
jantung-israel- dan-32-basis- militer-as- akan-jadi- target-iran. htm
> ===
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