[nanomsg] Re: Release packaging and build systems

  • From: mike <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: nanomsg@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 01:18:06 -0700

I'll be honest.  I've completed looked the other way when looking for libraries 
that are MinGW only.  It requires a different set of dependencies, and extra 
files.  Yes, there are a lot of ups and downs but having to have those extra 
files is a make or break for specific things I've developed in the past.  This 
is purely my own opinion, and I'd rather modify it to work with MSVC, as I have 
with other libraries, than to use MinGW.

It's almost like putting it into another 'class' in my point of view.  I 
understand this could be considered nonsense but just figured I'd throw that 
out there.  I'd end up adding all nanomsg files to a project and compiling that 
way before dealing with MinGW.. =P... I've found that lots of libraries even 
things such as udis86 that I've dealt with recently.. I just skipped to adding 
it directly to the project and calling functions as if it was built into my 
application rather than as a library.  I understand the issues with automake, 
etc, etc.. and it's becoming a pain in the ass with MSVC and the different 
solution version files.  Just last week I installed 2005, 2008, 2010, and 2012 
just to deal with a compilation.... nightmare.  I'll have no issue in the 
future attempting to branch off a MSVC 6 compilable version....   I love 
nanomsg!  I am late to the game of these types of communication products but am 
building several applications using them as the main protocol already.  I 
cannot wait until it's productive stage, and I should put forth effort into 
helping fix the bugs myself as well.  I had to recently move a single product 
out of 4 to ZeroMQ due to (NN_QUEUE_NOTINQUEUE) causing database 
synchronization issues when crashing... but I guess I cannot complain and want 
to thank you Martin for all the hard work on nanomsg, and zeromq.

I am finally finishing up three crucial projects this week, and I'll check into 
this bug myself soon.  I have to get my head wrapped about the nanomsg 
internals.  I do plan on helping out in the future for sure if I have any 
additions that you guys like...

Keep up the great week.

I'll still use it regardless of MinGW or not :)


Mike Guidry
Mike Guidry Group Inc.

On Jul 24, 2013, at 12:38 AM, Martin Sustrik <sustrik@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> On 23/07/13 15:10, luca barbato wrote:
>>> The problem is that Win devs work with MSVC. Asking them to use MinGW is not
>>> realistic.
>> There are 2 problems, one is if you have contributor using only msvc
>> and wanting to touch only system native tools,
>> that is a near impossible solution. Relaxing it so they can have a
>> generator for a msvc project is simple, cmake can do that
>> out of box, but then they must learn cmake and update it from their
>> msvc changes.
>> The other is _usage_ on windows. In that case as long there is a
>> windows build with debug symbols and headers they are happy.
>> The second is easy to achieve with both build systems and actually
>> easier with autotools.
> True.
> So the alternative is to ditch MSVC support entirely and depend only on MinGW 
> on Windows platform. The solution is appealing as it would allow us to remove 
> the cmake support and end up with a single build system.
> The downside is, obviously, making it hard for windows-native-only developers 
> to participate in the development. However, the restriction is acceptable. 
> With the current market situation I would guess that Windows devs would treat 
> using minGW as a possibility to learn something from the mainstream 
> programming, rather than as using an obscure build tool.
> That being said, what are the other downsides on MinGW. Does it introduce 
> additional run-time dependencies? Does it make hard to debug? Etc.
> Martin

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