[mswindowsxp] Re: Office XP

  • From: Jim Betz <jimbetz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: mswindowsxp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2003 11:22:52 -0800

  MS Office is not a "truely network enabled" application.  It has
never been such.  The definition of a "truely network enabled"
application would be one that is implemented in such a way that
the majority of the CODE runs on the server and the user's
machine has a small client piece that interfaces to that server part.
Examples of this would be some, but certainly not most, database 
  The most common method of enabling a network application is for
the majority of the executables to be installed on the local
machines (ie. the users workstations) and for the DATA to be up
on the server.
  Having whatever FILES you are using in office up on the server
is by far the most common environment whenever there is a file 
server in the network (whether or not it is running "Server" or
not is not important - it's about "where the files are stored).
This allows all of the backup for the network to be be 'up on the
server' and for all of the data to be shared in a more natural
  If you were to implement your Office so that the code and the
data were both up on the server then every time you open an office
program - or invoke a new routine within a program you already
loaded - you would add to the network load because to run the program
you would have to load it from the server.  This is not common and
not even a good idea.  And you don't really get any benefits from
this environment even if you didn't care about the additional
network traffic to load office programs. 

  Put the data on the server.  Install Office locally.

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