[mso] Re: Word Macro to create list of acronyms

  • From: "Green" <1z@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <mso@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2004 21:45:20 +0200


I was pretty intrigued by your problem about acronyms and also a bit
miffed that my previous code took so long. The code below processes by
word instead of characters and is *much* quicker. It went through a 37
page document in under 3 secs. I'm not quite sure what you want to do
with acronyms that are not in "normal" style like headings and so on
but there is a mechanism here to seperate them out. I've not saved the
acronyms anywhere you can probably figure that out for yourself but I
have highlighted them in Green for not style=normal and Pink for

I would appreciate some feedback as to wether it works for you because
I'm using a Dutch version of word and I am *very* interested in
multilanguage VBA.

Public Sub subCountAcronyms()

Dim olWholeStory As Range*
Dim slAcronym As String
Dim dbllT As Double*
Dim rlWord As Range*
Dim llWordCount As Long*
Dim ilAcronymCount As Integer*
Dim ilChr1 As Integer*
Dim ilChr2 As Integer*
Dim ilStyleAcronymCount As Integer*
Dim rlStyle As Style
Dim rlStyles As Styles
Dim slNormalStyle As String*

Application.DisplayStatusBar = True
dbllT = Timer
Set olWholeStory = Selection.Range

slNormalStyle =
llWordCount = 0
ilAcronymCount = 0
ilStyleAcronymCount = 0

' Go through the Doc word by word.
For Each rlWord In olWholeStory.Words
    StatusBar = rlWord.Text
    llWordCount = llWordCount + 1
    If Len(rlWord) > 1 Then

      ilChr2 = Asc(Mid$(rlWord.Text, 2, 1))
      Select Case ilChr2
      Case Is < 65, Is > 90
        ' 2nd Chr Not upper case.
      Case Else
          ' 2nd Chr is upper case.

        ilChr1 = Asc(Mid$(rlWord.Text, 1, 1))
        Select Case ilChr1
        Case Is < 65, Is > 90
          ' 1st Chr Not upper case.
        Case Else
          ' 1st Chr is upper case.

          ' Is the word in "normal" style?
          If rlWord.Style <> slNormalStyle Then
            ilStyleAcronymCount = ilStyleAcronymCount + 1
            rlWord.HighlightColorIndex = wdBrightGreen
            rlWord.HighlightColorIndex = wdPink
          End If

          ' Do something with the acronym.
          subWriteAcronym rlWord.Text

          ilAcronymCount = ilAcronymCount + 1
        End Select
      End Select
    End If
Next rlWord

StatusBar = Round((Timer - dbllT), 1) _
      & "secs " & llWordCount & " Words " _
      & ilAcronymCount & " Acronyms " _
      & ilStyleAcronymCount & " Acronyms not in Normal Styale "
End Sub
Public Sub subWriteAcronym(spAcronym As String)
  'MsgBox spAcronym
End Sub


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