[mso] Help with Word Macros

  • From: rmshah@xxxxxxxxx
  • To: mso@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 5 May 2005 05:48:40 -0700 (PDT)


I have created (or rather modified) a Word 2000 macro for running the spell 
checker in a protected Word form. (I am also not a VBA expert--just learned a 
little several days ago for this task. It worked one time, but I can't get it 
to work agin. I have attached it to the Normal.dot template.

For your reference, I have attached the code below. Any help would be 
appreciated at the earliest. Thanks in advance.



[Code Snippet follows]

Option Explicit

Dim Cancelled As Boolean, MyRange As Range, _
        CorrectedError As String, oDoc As Document

Sub RunSpellcheck()

Dim oSection As Section, OriginalRange As Range

'If no documents open, quit macro
If Documents.Count = 0 Then
    Exit Sub
End If

Set oDoc = ActiveDocument

'Check what type of protection - if any - has been applied
Select Case oDoc.ProtectionType

    'If not protected, or if protected for tracked changes,
    'run spellchecker and quit
    Case wdNoProtection, wdAllowOnlyRevisions
        If Options.CheckGrammarWithSpelling Then
        End If
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
        If oDoc.SpellingErrors.Count = 0 Then
            If Options.CheckGrammarWithSpelling Then
                MsgBox "The spelling and grammar check is complete", _
                MsgBox "The spelling check is complete", vbInformation
            End If
        End If
        System.Cursor = wdCursorNormal
        Exit Sub
    Case wdAllowOnlyComments
        'Don't want to run spellchecker if protected for comments
         Exit Sub
End Select

Set OriginalRange = Selection.Range
System.Cursor = wdCursorWait

'If we've got this far, it's protected for forms
'Now unprotect the document
oDoc.SpellingChecked = False

'Check each section for its protection property -
'which you can get even after unprotecting the document.
'If the section was protected, call a subroutine to spellcheck the formfields.
'if it wasn't, spellcheck the section
StatusBar = "Spellchecking document ..."
For Each oSection In oDoc.Sections
    If oSection.ProtectedForForms Then
        Call CheckProtectedSection(oSection)
        If Cancelled Then
            'Boolean variable returned by CheckProtectedSection
            'procedure if user pressed Cancel button
            Exit For
        End If
        If oSection.Range.SpellingErrors.Count > 0 Then
            Application.ScreenUpdating = True
            If oSection.Range.SpellingErrors.Count > 0 Then
                'User pressed Cancel button
                '(Pressing Ignore reduces the count, pressing Cancel doesn't)
                Exit For
            End If
        End If
    End If
Next oSection

'Re-protect the document
oDoc.Protect Type:=wdAllowOnlyFormFields, NoReset:=True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
If oDoc.Range.SpellingErrors.Count = 0 Then
    If Options.CheckGrammarWithSpelling Then
        MsgBox "The spelling and grammar check is complete", _
        MsgBox "The spelling check is complete", vbInformation
    End If
End If

'Release variables from memory
System.Cursor = wdCursorNormal
Cancelled = False
CorrectedError = vbNullString
Set MyRange = Nothing

End Sub


Private Sub CheckProtectedSection(oSection As Section)

Dim FmFld As FormField, FmFldCount As Long, Pos As Long

'check only the text formfields,
'don't check listboxes and checkboxes - this speeds up the code
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each FmFld In oSection.Range.FormFields
    'Check to see if the field is a text formfield
    If FmFld.Type = wdFieldFormTextInput Then
        'Check if the field is a 'real' text field (no date, formula etc);
        'and that it is enabled for text input
        If FmFld.TextInput.Type = wdRegularText And FmFld.Enabled Then
            'The following subroutine won't be called if Word 97 is in use
            If Not Left$(Application.Version, 1) = "8" Then
                Call TurnNoProofingOff(FmFld)
            End If
            FmFld.Range.SpellingChecked = False

            'Change the language constant in the following line if necessary;
            'when you type the = sign, a list of all supported language
            'constants will appear, and you can choose one from the list.
            FmFld.Range.LanguageID = wdEnglishUS   
            'Or whichever language is appropriate for you

            'If the current form field contains errors, spellcheck the text in 
            If FmFld.Range.SpellingErrors.Count > 0 Then
                'The following condition is to allow for a Word 97 bug, which
                'was fixed in 2000; (and in the latest Word 97 patches). If
                'the formfield is in a table and contains more than one
                'paragraph, then spellchecking it will crash Word 97
                If Left$(Application.Version, 1) = "8" _
                          And FmFld.Range.Paragraphs.Count > 1 _
                          And FmFld.Range.Tables.Count > 0 Then
                    Call Word97TableBugWorkaround(FmFld)
                    If Cancelled Then Exit Sub
                    'Set a range to the formfield's range in case the user
                    'accidentally destroys the formfield by overtyping its 
                    Set MyRange = FmFld.Range
                    FmFldCount = oSection.Range.FormFields.Count
                    Application.ScreenUpdating = True


                    If IsObjectValid(FmFld) Then
                        If FmFld.Range.SpellingErrors.Count > 0 Then
                            'User pressed Cancel button. (Pressing Ignore
                            'reduces the count, pressing Cancel doesn't)
                            Cancelled = True
                            Exit Sub
                        End If
                        'If formfield was destroyed because user overtyped its
                        'entire contents
                        CorrectedError = MyRange.Text
                        If Len(CorrectedError) = 0 Then
                            CorrectedError = MyRange.Words(1).Text
                        End If

                        'Formfields should really NEVER be preceded by a tab;
                        'design your forms so that each formfield is in its own
                        'table cell (removing borders as necessary). However, to
                        'cater for any legacy forms you may have, the following
                        'loop works around the possibility that it might be
                        'preceded by a tab
                        Pos = InStr(CorrectedError, vbTab)
                        Do While Pos > 0
                            CorrectedError = Mid$(CorrectedError, Pos + 1)
                            Pos = InStr(CorrectedError, vbTab)

                        'If formfield was destroyed when the user corrected the
                        'spelling, reinstate it, and put the user's correction 
into its
                        'result. Note that although Undo reinstates the 
                        'itself, if the Formfield is preceded by a tab, It 
                        'reinstate the FmFld object, hence the need to do a 
                        '(although, as previously stated, in a well-designed 
                        'formfields should never be preceded by a tab, as it's
                        'better use table cells (removing borders as necessary).
                        Do While Not FmFldCount = _

                        'Also due to a Word bug, if the formfield is preceded 
by a
                        'tab, the text within the formfield may now be selected
                        'without the formfield itself being selected!
                        'Hence the following convoluted workaround
                        If Selection.FormFields.Count = 0 Then
                            Selection.MoveRight unit:=wdCharacter
                            Selection.MoveLeft unit:=wdCharacter, Extend:=True
                        End If
                        If Not IsObjectValid(FmFld) Then
                            Set FmFld =  Selection.FormFields(1)
                        End If
                        FmFld.Result = CorrectedError
                    End If
                End If
                Application.ScreenUpdating = False
            End If
        End If
    End If
Next FmFld

End Sub


Private Sub TurnNoProofingOff(FmFld As FormField)
    'This subroutine is called only in Word 2000 and above
    FmFld.Range.NoProofing = False
End Sub


Private Sub Word97TableBugWorkaround(FmFld As FormField)

'Unlink formfield (convert to text)
Set MyRange = FmFld.Range
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
If MyRange.SpellingErrors.Count > 0 Then
    'User pressed Cancel button
    '(Pressing Ignore reduces the count, pressing Cancel doesn't)
    Cancelled = True
End If
CorrectedError = MyRange.Text
'Undo to reinstate the formfield
Do While Not IsObjectValid(FmFld)
FmFld.Range.Fields(1).Result.Text = CorrectedError
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

End Sub

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  • » [mso] Help with Word Macros