[meego-fi] Re: Running activities needs makers

  • From: Ville Jyrkkä <vjyrkka@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: meego-network-fi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2011 19:31:50 +0300

Sounds interesting! I would like to learn Plone as well. It seems fast and modern system.

-jykae (Python lover)

On 26.08.2011 17:52, Wyn Williams wrote:
I can certainly arrange that and a test system for members to practise on, also using Transmogrifier <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/collective.transmogrifier/> we can also after setting up a new instance 8and asuming people wish to go ahead with it) and when I have gone over any new content types to make import all the old content straight to Plone. I will put together some examples and members can also get information from http://plone.org and see some of type of sites that use Plone here http://plone.org/support/sites /me PloneFanboy



On Fri, 2011-08-26 at 16:55 +0300, Carol Chen wrote:
I might finally have some time next month to take a look at these stuff as well. Maybe Wyn can conduct a crash course on Plone for some of our members? :)

Btw, I've set up a temporary information depot on my blog: http://meegobunny.blogspot.com/p/mnfi-info-depot.html


Carol Chen
cybette@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:cybette@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Community Manager, MeeGo Network Finland (MNFI)
Organizer, Tampere MeeGo Network (TMN)
Local Device Program (LDP) Manager

On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 10:27 AM, Wyn Williams <heywyn@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:heywyn@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
    Hello all
    Although very much a newbie (though I follow with interest)  and
    also being in the wrong place (almost exactly in between Helsinki
    and Tampere)  I have some knowledge of LDAP  and also of Drupal
    so am happy to have a look over it and see what needs fixing.
    Of course If things are scaling up it could be better to change
    for a more advanced and easier to use / extend system like Plone
    4 which I can arrange free hosting for and also supports LDAP etc
    and is better at the whole CMS thing overall (disclaimer: I am a
    Plone expert and foundation member)  I am in Helsinki a few times
    a month including next Tuesday.


Wyn Williams

    On Thu, 2011-08-25 at 10:16 +0300, Jarkko Moilanen wrote:

    It seems that MNFI has really started to roll during the past
    weeks. LDP is one of the main reasons for sudden burst in
    activity and amount of new members. The latest addition to LDP
    is that Helsinki has started a new node. Currently there are two
    nodes: Tampere and Helsinki. Plans to get one in Oulu are still
    under work. This is great! However, such success also means that
    our services (such as maintaining and developing LDP stuff) need
    more help. So far there has been only a few people working with
    different services and I have been one of them. Unfortunately, I
    have to concentrate on other stuff now and amount of
    contribution will drop dramatically.

    Therefore, I'm asking for new people to get involved in multiple
    areas, out of which LDP is probably the most important now. I
    have managed to setup current LDP management routines in Drupal
    and I admit that it's a mess. If there is any possibility that
    someone more experienced with Drupal would take over, I'd be
    more than happy to give some information about what has been
    done so far. If such person(s) could be found, it might be wise
    to meet in person and look through the current implementation
    (since it's a mess). Another thing that I cry help for is the
    Information Depot, which is intended to be a place to add links
    (with descriptions and other meta stuff) to presentation
    material (from our meetups and other events). Again, I started
    the process and created some elements for it, but due to limit
    on time available, I can't go forward with it.

    I know there are people who could assist MNFI community in this,
    please step forward :)


-- ---------------
    Organizer (TMN, Tampere Meego Network)
    Local Device Program manager (LDP, Tampere)
    Email: jarkko dot moilanen at meegonetwork dot fi

    More info: http://meegonetwork.fi
    Discussions: irc.freenode.net#meego-fi

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