[macvoiceover] Re: iPhone with Voiceover gestures

  • From: David Poehlman <david.poehlman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: macvoiceover@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 21 Jun 2009 06:09:26 -0400

vo has not quit by its self unless I turned it off, but in the guide, we are told that a tripple three finger click will mute and unmute speech. failing that, I have discovered that pressing powwer with the home button for a few seconds will restore the phone. failing that, plugging the device into the computer will reset it.

On Jun 21, 2009, at 2:14 AM, Cheryl Homiak wrote:

One thing I'm concerned about is turning vo on when using the iphone. I understand that we can turn it on without sighted help when we connect it to our computers and use iTunes. I also understand that a sighted person can turn it on for us. But I'm concerned about the scenario when vo quits, crashes, stops talking--whatever!!! We all know this can happen on the Mac. What if it happens on the ipone and you aren't anywhere near your computer; you are out somewhere and you need to be able to access your cell phone. Is there a way to turn vo back on without sighted help? Will vo come back on if we restart the phone? I'm not trying to borrow trouble but I would like to know if anybody has any answers to this. It would be nice to just say this will never happen but I think the possibility has to be considered and we need to know if there are strategies for dealing with such a situation. Any thoughts?


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