[macvoiceover] Changing braille tables in documents with Louis

  • From: Greg Kearney <gkearney@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: General discussions on all topics relating to the use of Mac OS X by the blind <discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, macvoiceover <macvoiceover@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 12:36:58 -0600

We have a request for the ability to change braille tables in documents in Louis. Here is what we are thinking of.

We propose using the XML span tag to do this. You will select the standard braille table in Louis and then should you need to switch into another table you would enclose that section in a span tag. with a single attribute lang indicating the table to switch to. Like this:

<p>This is the text in the normal braille table. <span lang="en-us- g1.ctb">This is in US English grade one.</span> We could also switch languages like going into Swedish braille. <span lang="Se-Se- g1.utbx">Det i svenska</span> And now we would be back to the selected document table.</p>

Would this work for everyone?

This would work for all XML based documents which is what I highly suggest people use anyway. Louis will attempt to render things like email addresses and URL in computer braille and will switch into nemmeth code braille for MathML which starts and ends with the <math> </math> tags.


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