Re: LuaJIT project ideas: Bash 5.0

  • From: Karel Tuma <kat@xxxxxx>
  • To: luajit <luajit@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 08:02:35 +0200

Excerpts from Alek Paunov's message of 2014-10-04 03:53:19 +0200:
> I am rising the topic, with hope that at least in sequence of the recent 
> Bash related discussions [1], many list members have meditated on this 
> already :-).

I see what you did there, but this is not simple matter of libressl move,
ie cosmetic polishing of existing codebase now that security bug provides the
tabloid media spotlight opening for a superhero fork - you know, the messiah
Superman which will protect citizens of Metropolis once and for all, from
evil hackers who eat brains of babies for breakfast and drink blood of virgins
at night...

This is "API" reimplementation in Lua from scratch. A rather daring
undertaking. Which means many man-months to complete. There are for example
two existing JS->Lua transpilers implementing (unfortunately rather superficial)
NodeJS API, you might want to take a look at those to gauge the amount of work

Still, a drop-in shell-to-lj transpiler for bash would be a neat thing,
if anything just for the performance boost alone.


1) why bash 5.0? the codebases (and maintainer i presume) would be unrelated
2) any (technical) rationale for ljsyscall? why not just posix ..
3) Just do it :)

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