[lit-ideas] Re: nameless celebrities?

  • From: David Ritchie <ritchierd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 01 Mar 2005 20:19:51 -0800

on 3/1/05 4:23 PM, David Ritchie at ritchierd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Is not the most famous nameless celebrity in the bible g-d?

I should add the possibility that this title should be awarded to g-d's
wife.  While traveling, I read an archeological magazine that made claims as
follows: Yaweh was a Caananite god who, like other Caananite gods, had a
consort.  Something someone has recently dug up (or possibly re-interpreted)
suggests that Mrs. Yaweh was around for a while when Yaweh passed, as it
were, to new ownership.  She was then struck from the written (but not the
archeological) record.

David Ritchie
Portland, Oregon

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