[lit-ideas] Re: just so you know...

  • From: JimKandJulieB@xxxxxxx
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2005 15:47:55 EDT

The white sauce, fish prep, etc. doesn't cause me any problem -- it's  
sorting out the types of bananas.  Here we have your standard large yellow  
in stores, some very small greenish-yellowish ones which I've never  
purchased, and some reddish ones which name I forgot which I bought once 
because  they 
were supposed to be "sweeter" than the normal variety and I was hoping to  
actually like a banana.  Next time I'm at the local health food store which  
both organic and a much larger than average variety of produce, I will look  
for the various labels on the types of bananas.  Re. the fish, I love to  use 
Tilapia (when it's on sale) -- it's firmer and less "fishy" tasting than so  
many other white fish -- I've been wondering how it would taste in this.   Or 
Chilean Sea Bass which I adore (and have a wonderful recipe w/ a carrot sauce  
sic, over the top for), but which is outrageously expensive here.  I have  to 
look at your recipe again .....I think it was not clear to me if you fried or 
 otherwise cooked the bananas....
Julie Krueger
always loving to experiment in the kitchen
========Original Message========     Subj: [lit-ideas] Re: just so you 
know...  Date: 4/14/05 2:26:20 P.M. Central Daylight Time  From: 
_ritchierd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (mailto:ritchierd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx)   To: 
(mailto:lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx)   Sent on:    
on 4/13/05 5:30 PM, Eternitytime1@xxxxxxx at  Eternitytime1@xxxxxxx wrote:

> btw, Julie, you probably never got  the recipe on fish and bananas because  
> is planning on  submitting it, himself, to the Cooking Light recipe  
> He  wants to go to Birmingham and then get that 10,000 prize plus  the  
> vacation.  (Not a bad idea as we always get some  interesting  tales out of 
> jaunts. On the other hand, Julie, we  would probably get some  grand ones 
> you, too.)    
>  _http://www.cookinglight.com/cooking/events/recipecontest/index.html_
>  (http://www.cookinglight.com/cooking/events/recipecontest/index.html) #
>  I have to admit, though, that I was hoping to see the recipe, too.   It
> sounded exotic enough that my child might even eat the fish...(he  likes
> bananas  
> and exotic foods...but not, usually,  fish)

Did I explain the dish well enough?  As you see, "cooking  light" it ain't.

David Ritchie
Portland,  Oregon

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