[lit-ideas] Re: art

  • From: Eric Yost <mr.eric.yost@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 05 Aug 2005 16:14:55 -0400

think this is important on several levels, which I will not elaborate on at 4:21 a.m. Eric....are you close to this place?


Used to be for most of the '90s, but not now. NYU sprawls all over town but the epicenter is roughly at 4th Street south of Fifth Avenue and Washington Square Park. (The 9/11 hijackers flew low right over WS Park and NYU on their way to the WTC, probably a plan to defeat any missiles fired at them. People in the park were startled as the huge jet roared overhead a few hundred feet off the ground.)

I'm a few blocks from the Met Museum on the eastern side of Central Park, near the so-called "Museum Mile." One trick for museums here: if you see a sign that says "suggested donation," you can pay any amount and have a right to enter. The Met Museum has a "suggested donation" of $10, but I usually pay $1 or less. I'm poor, a regular, and the Met is the wealthiest museum in the country, I have no problems with a "from each according to their ability" strategy.

Budding tour guide,

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