[lit-ideas] Re: ading

  • From: John Wager <johnwager@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 05 May 2004 23:26:50 -0500

This, along with a TON of Canadiana, is available on line. Try this URL:

David Ritchie wrote:

>I'm reading an excerpt from, Paul Kane's nineteenth century, "Wanderings of
>an Artist Among the Indians of North America from Canada to Vancouver's
>Island and Oregon Through the Hudson's Bay Company's Territory and Back
>Again."  I've decided it's good enough to order in a reprinted, Dover
>On a quiet night, perhaps you'll enjoy this vision of a piper in full
>regalia performing on October 9, 1846 in the middle of nowhere..."the
>natives who supposed him to be a relation of the Great Spirit, having, of
>course, never beheld so extraordinary a looking man, or such a musical
>instrument, which astonished them as much as the sound produced.  One of the
>Indians asked him to intercede with the Great Spirit for him; but Frazer
>remarked how limited his influence was in that quarter."
>David Ritchie
>Portland, Oregon
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