[lit-ideas] Re: Tuesday Poem, Written on Friday Night

  • From: Andy Amago <aamago@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2004 09:30:03 -0400 (GMT-04:00)

-----Original Message-----
From: David Ritchie <ritchierd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Aug 25, 2004 1:16 AM
To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [lit-ideas] Re: Tuesday Poem, Written on Friday Night

on 8/24/04 7:32 PM, Andy Amago at aamago@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> A.A.   I'm curious, do you find yourself watching what you say when you're
> with your cousins?

My wife's cousins. 

I'm wondering what you're asking exactly?

Do I feel that therapists will see in me an irresistable case and set upon
me somehow?

A.A.  Not an irresistable case maybe, but one likes to think they hear things 
other people don't hear.  On the other hand, people can spend years in therapy 
and be as clueless as the day they started.  Most of the time I suspect it's a 
case of when the student is ready, the therapist will appear.  Still, I'm sure 
success stories are few and far between.

D.R.  Do I think they will be offended if I have fun with their discipline's

A.A.  Only if they're insecure (wink wink).  Some of the vocabularly has in any 
case long entered the pop lexicon in the form of the much maligned 
"psychobabble".  Personally, I think people who bandy the word "psychobabble" 
are usually defending themselves against something they don't want to look at.

D.R. Do I think they will be irked by my urbane understanding of how to cook

A.A.  Ah, so your reputation precedes you.  Outdoor cooking is one of my 
strengths too.  On a nice summer day I put a portable microwave on the deck, 
throw some frozen vegetables into it, open up a jar of Ronzoni, and I have a 
great meal for anyone who wants it.  

D.R. Often we swap tales of shell-shock in the First World War--my special
subject-- and their treatment of Vietnam and other veterans.

A.A.  PTSD is tough.  Unfortunately it's not limited to just veterans.  I've 
been getting into WWI.  It was a horrendous war, worse even than WWII if that's 
possible.  I love the story of the French group of soldiers who decided they 
had had enough and put down their arms and left.  The generals went nuts.  The 
Russians did the same thing I think.  A different type of hero in my opinion.  

Andy Amago

David Ritchie
Portland, Oregon 

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