[lit-ideas] Re: Try a Logic Problem and a Dram of the Good Stuff

  • From: wokshevs@xxxxxx
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, Phil Enns <phil.enns@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2006 17:24:59 -0230

Quoting Phil Enns <phil.enns@xxxxxxxxxxx>:

> Mike Geary:
> "What's my prize?"
> Make sure he doesn't pawn off on you some of that Glen's Liver rotgut he
> forced Erin and me to drink.
> Phil

Hmmm, an appropriate prize for Skipper Mike Geary. There's an interesting
problem. I don't know your moral and intellectual dispositions well enough to
identify the kind of prize you most deserve. Perhaps I'll leave it to others
better acquainted with you to decide your just reward.

It is one of my maxims never to force a guest to drink anything they do not
themselves rationally and autonomously choose to drink. And btw, that "Glen's
Liver rotgut" Phil refers to was actually a very highly intellectually and
sensuously accomplished 18 yr. old Glenlivet. Permit me to quote from the
Cambridge Companion to Malt Whiskey, by M. Jackson: 

"Nose: Elements beautifully combined. Depth of flowery aromas. Very light touch
of fresh peatiness. Some sweetness and a hint of sherryish oak.

Body: Firm, smooth

Palate: Flowery and sweet at first, the developing peach-stone nuttiness. [I
incorrectly detected pears - sorry. I still have much to learn.) 

Finish: Dry, appetizing. Very long, with interplay of sweet and bitter

So Phil missed all that. There's just no accounting for taste. (Was it my
imagination, or were you actually chewing Wrigley's peppermint gum just
before I poured you your dram?)

And speaking of "pawning off." You also missed a very interesting chess game as
well. One that revealed yet another potent metaphysical quality of this
particular Elixer of Life: Erin played a very cautious, strategically sound,
opening game and managed to survive a powerful double-rook and queen attack
well into the mid-game. Yet another reason for not maligning one of humankind's
greatest discoveries. 'Nuff said.

Walter C. Okshevsky,
Department of Idealist Metaphysical Deconstruction and Distillation 
University of Speyside, Highlands
Ballindalloch, Banffshire
website: www.the glenlivet.com

P.S. Chivas Brothers University, is pleased to announce a lecture by Dr. Walter
O'Kshevsky entitled: "The Origins of the English Word 'Spirit' and the German
Word 'Geist'in Matters Pertaining to Condensation, Fermentation and Restorative
Form" By invitation only. Heavy refreshments will be served.

P.P.S. Are they really running out of beer in Germany? Isn't that a logical
impossibility? Friday: be there.

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