[lit-ideas] Re: The Life and Death of Wittgenstein

  • From: Jlsperanza@xxxxxxx
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 16 May 2009 19:52:07 EDT

In a message dated 5/16/2009 7:34:59 P.M.  Eastern Daylight Time, 
rpaul@xxxxxxxx writes:
he said to Mrs. Bevan (who was  with him 
throught the night) "Tell them I've had a wonderful life!" By  "them" he 
undoubtedly meant his close friends." [p. 100, of the paperback  edn.]  

What an excellent quote.

I especially loved the Malcolm (what a handsome man, incidentally --  from 
what I recall) typical _editorial_ when none is needed. (Unless we is  
philosophers). "By 'them' he 
UNDOUBTEDLY meant his close friends".
I should next check with the OED or some other sources, what actual books  
were ever published under the title:
"The life and death of ..."
Since Wittgenstein may be too modern of an author to qualify under this  
'old-fashioned' title.
(Grice _was_ being humourous when he entitled his reply to the "Richards"  
(Grandy and Warner), "The life and opinions of Paul Grice."
"Vita e pensiero" is a typical Italian idiom too.
My favourite seems to be "Life and Times". 
"The Life of ..." seems to be a common type of title.

"The death of ..." less so.
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