[lit-ideas] Re: Sunday Rant

  • From: David Ritchie <ritchierd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 13 Sep 2009 12:59:53 -0700

as the irish might say feck tupperware
i'm very happy now that
courtesy of costco i've found a glass alternative
it's partly a lids issue
tupperware comes in so many sizes and shapes
i can never find the lid that fits
somehow the lids of the glass dishes are quite find-able
without rummaging around in a drawer full of plastic
with yoghurt containers and leftover this and that included
because it's good for us or you or the environment or whatever

why i ask am i hearing this rant in the voice of father wotsit
on the television program
the one who isn't father ted
on father ted
instead of the lovely voice of a french girl who stayed with us
who when asked what these plastic thingies would be in her language responded
c'est le tu-per-whare

change of subject
my grandmother loved a show called the white heather club with andy stuart i turned on opb after midnight last night and here comes the 2009 version of the white heather club complete with four women singing while strolling across
the bridge to the eilean donan castle
that traditional scottish air
like a bridge over
trou-uh-ubbled water
nary a ripple on the loch under
and what on earth does the eilean donan castle have to do with when you're down and out
and when you're on the streets
that's what scots excel at
highland dancers were reduced to thirty seconds
so there was plenty of time for the bonnie bloody banks of loch lomond
yet again

earl silas tupper
tree surgeon and inventor
is the answer
by the way
of english saxon ancestry
no scottish or irish connection
that nicely wraps up tat and plastic

David Ritchie,
Portland, Oregon
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