[lit-ideas] Re: [Spam] Re: HC Reed

  • From: Judy Evans <judithevans001@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2005 19:21:12 +0100

Tuesday, April 26, 2005, 3:11:02 PM, Steven G. Cameron wrote:

SGC> **Hmmm.  In the mid 1960s, poetry taught in American schools were
SGC> relying upon traditional (the "classics"??) British poems.

That surprises me.

SGC> **With respect to academia's usual anti-Vietnam, dovish sentiments
SGC> during the 1960s (and even more so, later on in the 1970s), one wonders
SGC> if the poems for us to study were deliberately selected...??

Perhaps.  The poetry I studied was far more varied, and at grammar
school, tended to be dictated by the (Welsh) exam. board.

>> Do you know "The Flowers of the Forest" (about the Battle of Flodden)?
>>  Very different. But I find it a little haunting, too: I can hear a
>>  piper's lament.

SGC> **Not before yesterday.  It is indeed haunting -- in the two versions
SGC> easily located on the Web.  Thank you.

The version I think of doesn't seem to be on the web, but the ones
there are very like it.  Reading them (I usually think simply of the
refrain) I realised it wasn't an anti-war poem, really.  (I think!)



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