[lit-ideas] Re: Revisiting Judy's World

  • From: Robert Paul <rpaul@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2008 13:53:07 -0700

Walter wrote

Profanity is rarely to be condoned, and not in this case.

The Villge Grammarian, while granting that 'profanity' is now used to describe any coarse or vulgar speech or writing, suggests that members of lit-ideas should be held to a higher standard and restrict their use of that term to speech or writing that profane sacred things, i.e., words or expressions that 'express a disregard or contempt' for them, and are 'irreverent, blasphemous, and impious.'

Thus, while 'God damn it,' is profane, 'Fuck you,' is not

Mr. Geary, although strongly cautioned, is found not guilty. Professor Okshevsky is to pay court costs of one Canadian five-cent piece, on which a beaver is shown buggering a rock.

Robert Paul
The Reed Institute
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