[lit-ideas] Re: Rapture

  • From: Eric Yost <eyost1132@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 04 Aug 2005 01:30:42 -0400

>>>Seriously, how do you account for the horrendous evil in the world?

C.S. Lewis wrote _The Problem of Pain_. His account is not very convincing. There may be no answer to the problem of pain.

Goshala was one of Buddha's rivals. The Buddhists abhorred Goshala because they thought Goshala was trying to put them out of business. Buddha promised an understanding of the problem of pain,and offered the possibility of escaping rebirth.

Goshala on the other hand held that everyone has to be reincarnated 80,000 times. If you are wise or happy or rich, it's because you have lived most of your 80,000 lives. If you are foolish or poor or suffering, it's because you have just started on the wheel of rebirth. Nothing will change the amount of lives you must live. You simply have to go through it.

Gearing up for the 79,990 lives to go, Eric

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