[lit-ideas] Re: Radical Islam: The Primer

  • From: "Andreas Ramos" <andreas@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2007 22:11:06 -0800

From: "Brian" <cabrian@xxxxxxxxx>

You missed my questions.  Again,

1. Do you believe the Jihadis are racists?

No. They see this in terms of religion. You obviously know that. Why do ask me such obvious questions?

2. Why haven't you signed up to fight in Afghanistan?  Or to be a
human shield?

What a silly question. I don't think war is the solution, so why should I join the military and go to Afghanistan? Should I be a human shield? Is that your set of choices? Be a soldier or block the soldiers? The neocons were determined to kill everything that got in their way in Afghanistan. Why die uselessly?

So what did I do? I joined in the protests, I wrote letters, I learned the issues, and I speak out on them.

Now I'll serve you a taste of your own soup: since you strongly believe in these wars, why haven't you enlisted? Eric can tell you what I'm going to say: www.GoArmy.com


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