[lit-ideas] Re: Radical Islam: The Primer

  • From: "Andreas Ramos" <andreas@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2007 22:09:50 -0800

From: "Brian" <cabrian@xxxxxxxxx>

Viewing terrorism as a law-enforcement issue has been a
disaster in my opinion while the military option has captured or
killed thousands of terrorists and during that time there have been
no domestic attacks.

A strategy of law enforcement against al-Qaeda hasn't been a disaster because it hasn't been tried.

Instead, the US tried the military solution. Charge in, guns a'blazin', yelling "Bring 'em on!"

Did this work? Watch the 60 Minute interview and hear Bush say this didn't work.

Brian, that's three lost wars in a row: Afghanistan (it's a mess); Iraq (what a disaster); and the Israeli attack on Hezbollah, which was a US-led proxy war, and it too was failure.

The only way to solve this problem is political: get the various sides to stop 

The "thousands of terrorist killed" is useless. The situation in Iraq has nothing to do with al-Qaeda or terrorists. It's sectarian militias who are fighting over control of Iraq. For the last three years, we were told it was al-Qaeda. Certainly, there is a small Iraqi group that is aligned with al-Qaeda, but they are on the margins. The big-boy battles are between the Sunni and Shiite sects' militias.

Really, read the Iraq Study Group Report. It was written by James Baker and Lee Hamilton, with interviews and comments from scores of US generals and officers in Iraq, plus CIA, etc. It lays out the
situation in Iraq fairly clearly.


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