[lit-ideas] Re: Polls

  • From: Eric Yost <eyost1132@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2006 15:44:35 -0400

John: Good to see that Eric has discovered polling report and takes polls seriously. This one, just released, must, however, be a bit disturbing to him. [Half of those surveyed would like all U.S. forces out within 12 months.]

Now if only we can get the Iraqis to agree to that. Poll data there suggests our departure in not tops on their list.

Iraqis say US exit plan should await security
A plan to withdraw US troops from Iraq is being downplayed at home and eyed skeptically in Iraq.
By Scott Peterson and Awadh al-Taee

Most Iraqis want an end to the 127,000-strong US presence, which they consider an occupation. But they are concerned, too, that Iraqi forces, while growing in size and capability, still can't cope with the insurgency and sectarian killings that have killed tens of thousands of Iraqis.


Poll results in late March from the US-funded International Republican Institute (IRI) indicate that, at least relative to security, withdrawal of US troops is not a top demand. When asked to list priorities for the new government, 48 percent said security should rank first; more than 85 percent listed security as one of the top three most important issues.

Among more than 2,800 Iraqis polled, withdrawal of coalition forces from Iraq ranked a distant third, the top priority of just 9 percent of Iraqis. In the IRI poll, withdrawal was 1 point ahead of fixing the economy and job creation.


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