[lit-ideas] Re: Nepal: an old-fashioned revolution

  • From: "Andreas Ramos" <andreas@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 21:25:17 -0700

Will the triumvirate - the US, the EU and the UN
security council - try to keep the king (of Nepal) in power? If
it does, it will have to add Kathmandu to a growing
list of disasters. Recent newspaper editorials
indicate that the west fears the disease may spread to
neighbouring India.

That's pretty funny. India under assault by Maoist guerillas? Just make them watch Bollywood movies and they'll all run away.

The geopolitical issue is India vs. China, with Nepal as a little bone inbetween. India won't let China get a toehold in Nepal, as China did in Tibet. Neither side wants a war over Nepal, so the king will eventually give power back to the people, and everyone goes back to being a tourist destination.

The US doesn't care about this; Bush doesn't even know where Nepal is, and most of all, it doesn't have any oil. End of interest.


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