[lit-ideas] Re: Moral Imagination

  • From: Jlsperanza@xxxxxxx
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 9 Oct 2011 10:46:31 -0400 (EDT)

In a message dated 10/9/2011 4:49:49 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
donalmcevoyuk@xxxxxxxxxxx writes:
"I guess Robert to be saying that if it  depended on 'imagination' to know 
that genocide was wrong (say by imagining what  it was like to be a victim) 
then we could not honestly say that we know genocide  to be wrong on this 
basis. Is this true?"
--- Yes. Which refutes your point, incidentally. In symbols:
"Don't kill!"
This involves a variable:

(x)(y) Kxy.
Moral principles can't (or kant) have rigid designation.

"Kill a people!" (Genocide)
requires a more elaborate formalisation, but the reference is to "x" and  
------ Kant's point was that the universality (or universalizability,  
strictly) of the moral principle will show that "Be a genocide!" does not allow 
for it. (Hitlerians diverge; the case of the German moral officer, who, on  
discovering he was not Aryan in blood, killed himself).
"Bear in mind my suggestion was only that 'imagination' is (or may be)  
required here, not that it is, or could be, a sufficient condition for 
something  being wrong (after all, there are many things we can imagine without 
[imagining]  them being wrong)."

Paul and my point is that imagination, while fine in the arts -- hence  
'fine arts' -- is OTIOSE in ethics.
(neither necessary nor sufficient). 
Moral Principle MP is a moral principle iff...
NO reference to imagination adds to what makes MP a moral principle. 
----- I'm surprised McEvoy mentions necessary and sufficient conditions  
('too strong', 'too weak' conditions) and fails to see this point.
"The argument about the role of 'imagination' I was putting forward is  
closer to the argument that recognising others as persons, or as 'other minds'  
even, is something not 'given' but something we acquire and which it 
requires a  certain imagination to acquire - and we might say without 
others as  persons we can have no real sense of right and wrong. Of course, 
this touches on  large concerns, some of which I might address in another 
thread on P's  philosophy of mind by outlining his account of how we _become_ 
------ This is better approached via the SYMMETRY, formal, of a moral  
principle. In symbols, no rigid designation allowed. Moral principles are  
reciprocal, and empty, in this regard. They apply to ANY HUMAN BEING 
of his or her imaginative powers.
x + 6 = 10
In this case, the reader has to IMAGINE that x = 4.
Similarly, when one is taught a moral principle
"Do not covet your neighbour's wife!"
one has to ask Paul's question, which does not teach a moral  lesson:

"How would you like it if your neighbour coveted YOUR wife?"
-----  To label this OBVIOUS formal principle of reciprocity and  symmetry 
-- general, applicational, and conceptual generality of moral  principles 
--- "imagination" is a blasphemy to Emily Dickinson who REALLY was  
imaginative (or Verne, in novels, too.).
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