[lit-ideas] Re: Moot away...

  • From: John Wager <johnwager@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2005 08:51:20 -0600

Phil Enns wrote:

Nipissing Nattering Nabobs
Nipissing Nomos

Nipissing Dikes shouldn't be ruled out too quickly as it also has the
virtue of being cross-gender, altering pronunciation as appropriate.

Phil Enns
Toronto, ON

-----Original Message-----
A student has asked for my help in naming her team going into the
Osgoode Cup National Undergraduate Mooting Competition.  You guys are so
good at that kind of thing.  The school's name is Nipissing University.
Our sports teams are the Lakers (Nipissing is a big lake) and the
Nipissing Knights.  The students are possibly thinking of something with
a classical  or foreign language relation to justice or the law.  Themis
just isn't very catchy.  Dike might be worse.  Mithra rode the skies
looking for people who didn't keep their word, but I don't see anything
promising there either.  Legal beagles is surely taken.   Court Jesters
might be inappropriately cute.


They could go with what my school, Triton College, did. For men's teams, the "Trojans."
For women's teams, the"Lady Trojans." Of course, nobody there gets ANY classical allusion whatsoever.

"Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by incompetence and ignorance." -------------------------------------------------
John Wager johnwager@xxxxxxxxxxx
Forest Park, IL, USA

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