[lit-ideas] Re: Life or death

  • From: Andy Amago <aamago@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2007 01:03:34 -0400 (GMT-04:00)

She was thin and notably she didn't get diabetes, so you prove my point, thanks.  As far as the colon cancer, colon cancer no doubt has multiple causes, among them most likely some genetics.  But I also said notable among them are red meat and lack of fruits and vegetables.  You said your mother knew nothing about avoiding animal products.  You don't say anything about fruit and vegetable consumption.  However, retrospective accounts are known to be unreliable.  People report what they think they're supposed to say.  It's curious that your mother bothered to have a colonoscopy if she had no intention of acting on the findings.  A colonoscopy is an invasive procedure.  Why did she bother?  In any case, you're supporting Dr. Hadler's opinion, since your mother was apparently tested and it didn't make any difference in her outcome at all. As far as blaming the victim, I don't know where you're getting that except you're being combative.  People have to take responsibility for their behavior.   Not taking responsibility for one's behavior is not very becoming either if you're worried about appearance.  I can see in the poor areas where diabetes is rampant, because food selections and incomes are limited, forcing people to buy fast food since it's cheap.  Fast food is less nutritious than sawdust.  At least sawdust has fiber.  Those people need help.  I know in the Latino areas they won't take insulin even if it's available because they associate it with death, so education would help.  But nothing helps as much as losing weight and exercise.  We're not talking about diabetes anyway since your mother was thin and active and therefore didn't get it.  So who's blaming the victim? And, if you want to trade stories about cancer deaths, my grandfather died of stomach cancer, not a cancer you want to die of.  My uncle died of pancreatic cancer, most definitely a cancer you do want to die of. ------------------------------------------------------------------ To change your Lit-Ideas settings (subscribe/unsub, vacation on/off, digest on/off), visit www.andreas.com/faq-lit-ideas.html

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