[lit-ideas] Re: KJV God -- (Was: Shakespeare)

  • From: Donal McEvoy <donalmcevoyuk@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2007 00:41:02 +0000 (GMT)

> We were discussing whether it's by the grace of God that one never finds
> one's accent 'ugly'. 

But, Bishop, people do find their accents ugly - hence elocution lessons and
indeed being inhibited by better-speaking persons like myself. What is
perhaps true, but different, is that we do not perceive ourselves as others
do - hence the shock at how we sound and look on a video; though perhaps the
video has it wrong (- personally I have never found a suitably flattering
photo that measured up to how I look in the mirror)?

>My theological argument rested on the premise that
> it would make one's life miserable and God would not like that. 

Why would He have a thing about not making life misersable through
accent-self-loathing, Cardinal, but be happy enough if misery were inflicted
from other sources, like illness or poverty or loss of a loved one? Is
resting on a premise as what God would or would not like, really a good basis
for a theology - does God "like" the misery that exists (resting on the
premise here that it does)?

Pope Donal I

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