[lit-ideas] Re: Jihad Against Hezbollah

  • From: "Judith Evans" <judithevans1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 6 Aug 2006 21:40:53 +0100

> This is too simplistic to be disentangled briefly, if it can be
> disentangled at all: take the Vietcong; they very often 'melted
> into the population,' but they were also organized into
military units
> (divisions, brigades, etc.) and they were not 'resistance
fighters' in
> the same sense that the French Resistance was; they were

Invaders?  I thought most of the Viet Cong came from South
(As we're dealing in complexities.)

 > Would you accept _any_ figure? And why is this 'slim say-so'
to you

I think you mean "why is this 'say-so' 'slim' to you?".  I think
the answer may be that the source is  simply "a businessman".
Globalsecurity.org says Iran probably gives Hezbollah "financial
assistance and military
assistance worth about $25-50 million".  (I didn't check

The $100 million thing didn't though bother me as much as the
rest of that quotation.

Judy Evans, Cardiff

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