• From: "Mike Geary" <atlas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "LIT-IDEAS" <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 3 Aug 2004 19:58:48 -0500

My good old friend Chadwick Phillips wrote me today concerning bang dorset
eeoc advance.  I thought the list might be interested in this.  Apparently
some medical breakthroughs have made possible rejuvenation of the body's
appearance.  I quote:

"Clinical evidence demonstrates that by replacing H'G'H in our bodies we can
dramatically reverse the signs of aging!
* L.o.s.e Body-fat Fast!
* Improve Muscle Tone.
* Improved skin texture resulting in a more youthful appearance.
* Fewer skin wrinkles.
* Enhances overall physical and mental well being.
* Helps provide deeper, more restful sleep."

I don't know if any of you are interested in such things, but I thought I'd
pass it along as a friendly gesture.  Truth In Advertising laws vary a great
deal from state to state and country to country (this is after all an
international list), I'd hate for any of you who might be looking for such a
solution to your dating problems to miss out on this simply because some
bureaucrat took it on himself to ban what he took (capriciously)  to be
deceptive advertising.  I'd like to see a ban on bureaucrats, wouldn't you?

But this is ancillary to my reason for writing.  I'm writing, not to
castigate George W. Bush.  He's doing the best he can with the equipment
he's got.  I think it's commendable that the citizens of this country are so
compassionate about hiring the handicapped.  God bless America.   Nor am I
writing about John Ashcroft's assault on civil liberties.  There is no
liberty but God grants it.  If Ashcroft takes the idea of God literally,
well then, who am I to say he should be hung by his balls until he recants?
Didn't we go through this (metaphorically) with Galileo?  And didn't we get
him to recant?  Some people say pay-back is only fair, I say it's revenge.
I say, go for it.  Let's hear the boy squeal.  No, no, no, no, no, no.
That's not right.  Let's hear the boy resign rather than be hung by the
balls.  You see, peace is possible.  This is my message.  Thank you for

Mike Geary
calm now
in some city

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