[lit-ideas] Re: House of Horrors

  • From: Ursula Stange <Ursula@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2005 08:50:30 -0500

It's called money and power. It's called getting even. It's called getting rid of potential enemies.
The new government is setting up a police state with the blessing of the Americans. The Americans, remember, didn't mind that Saddam was a thug, they only minded that he was no longer willing to be their thug. This whole thing has been about putting in their thug, so everyone can go home rich.

But your question about why the Iraqis are torturing their own suggests a bit of blindness. The "Iraqis" aren't one big happy family. No country is. It only seems so when they're far away and labeled with a single word. Look at American on American violence in your cities. Look at what happened in New Orleans. If the US were invaded, the same sort of thing would occur, for exactly the same reasons. Look back to your War of Independence. Those cute names you learned in school -- tarring and feathering and riding the rails -- that was torture -- that was terrorism. American on American torture. Because money and power were at stake. Ursula
P.S., Julie, I haven't forgotten the fried cheese cake recipe I promised you. I've just misplaced it...

JimKandJulieB@xxxxxxx wrote:

This is today's post from Riverbend, the gal in Baghdad. I don't understand what the Iraqis are doing, why this is going on... but the line re. crying "fire" instead of "rape" in NY, equating to crying "terrorist cell" in Iraq, is, well....... interesting. If anyone cares to enlighten me re. why the Iraqis are torturing their own, I would certainly be interested.
Julie Krueger

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