[lit-ideas] Re: Gun control

  • From: Robert Paul <rpaul@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2007 12:59:36 -0700

If private gun ownership is illegalized, how does one go about
collectin the guns from those who already possess them?

House to house?

Voluntary recall for which gun owners are paid for the banned weapons
they turn in. It worked in Australia. If you're serious, and not merely
being flippant, you might see


There have been various attempts to show that the Australian law, passed in
response to a horrendous killing with an automatic weapon, has been ineffective;
but the weight of evidence is that it has been. Certainly there have been no
mass killings there since 1996, and before that there had been more than one
might have heard about here in the US.

Not all 'private gun ownership was illegalized,' and nobody here seems
to be suggesting that.

Robert Paul

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