[lit-ideas] Re: Fukuyama's view of the Islamist threat

  • From: "Lawrence Helm" <lawrencehelm@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 12:53:08 -0700



By cherry pick do you mean the following?  


Employment-Based Immigrants. Up to 140,000 visas in five preference
categories, including: 

*       "Priority workers," including professors and researchers; executives
and managers of multinational corporations; etc. 
*       Professionals with advanced degrees 
*       Skilled workers, other professionals, and "other workers" 
*       "Special immigrants," such as ministers of religion, foreign medical
graduates, etc. 
*       Investors 

[From    <http://www.closeup.org/immigrat.htm#uslaws>
http://www.closeup.org/immigrat.htm#uslaws ]



You've got to admit that these guys are less likely to blow themselves up
than some of the guys you let into Europe.  Some Europeans are offended by
our approach but Holland has seen the wisdom of our ways.


I thought it would be understood that in referring to the European
immigration situation I wasn't intending to mean that every Muslim without
exception in every European nation without exception does thus and so.
However I doubt that any nation that has "istan" tacked to its capital is
likely to be as squeaky clean as you suggest:




-----Original Message-----
From: lit-ideas-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:lit-ideas-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Judith Evans
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 9:51 AM
To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [lit-ideas] Re: Fukuyama's view of the Islamist threat


LH>Muslims aren't going to Europe to be infected by the virus of

LH>Western culture (which seems to be largely true of Muslims coming to

LH>the U.S.) but instead are retaining their culture and living in enclaves.


The UK is one of the most integrated countries in the world, with no ghettos

and no-go areas

of the kind seen in the US.  I believe the explanation for the relative

success of

the US in as-it-were psychologically integrating Muslims and others is


and explained here (**I would add to its account, your cherry-picking

immigration policy**; and FYI, what is said here of the US is in many ways

true -- Arabs will tell you -- of the UK; a man from Dubai was talking about

that on TV the other day):


>Ihsan Alkhatib, a Michigan lawyer who is deeply involved in


> civil rights issues, believes that the U.S. government's policy of


> tolerance and acceptance is largely responsible for the successful


> integration of Arab Americans and Muslims into American society.


>These groups are successful economically, with above-average


education and income levels --




 >Alkhatib sees a large contrast between the economic status

>of Muslims in the United States and Europe.

>"In Europe the picture is bleak," he said. "A significant proportion

>of European Arabs are Muslims, and they are worse off economically

>and educationally than the rest of society."

>He said acceptance of Muslims into the larger society is the key

>to helping to improving their social condition in Europe.

>"Europe has to understand that once you open the door for guest

> workers, human beings come. Acceptance and integration come

>hand in hand," Alkhatib said.

>"As long as Muslims in Europe are thought of as guests and

>European countries think of themselves as not immigration countries,

>there are going to be problems," he added.

>In the United States, he said, there are laws that bar discrimination,

>"and the emphasis [is] on diversity. Discrimination in employment

>is very costly for employers in the U.S."




Judy Evans, Cardiff


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