[lit-ideas] Re: Dishes

  • From: David Ritchie <ritchierd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2012 21:37:22 -0800

So here's a question that's important to living: what do you consider good 
dishes music, which is to say good music for washing the dishes.  Ideally the 
removal of grease and so on is a task you do in company, aided by conversation. 
 Machines help, but there are some things machines can't do.  Pots, for 
example.  Thus we have the existential situation, the lone person at the sink, 
elbow deep in grudge and drudge.  Music and detergent take the edge off.  But 
what music goes with?

The idea that there is such a thing as dishes music is rooted in the movie "The 
Big Chill."  In that, dishes people dance through drudgery, white folk getting 
into Motown like extras picking cotton on stage in a musical.

What for me goes with?  Laurie Anderson used to be a favorite, "Strange 
Angels."  And then, Ry Cooder, "Meeting by a River."   Now I reach for 
something in the history of hawaiian steel guitar or Oliver Mtukudzi, "Tuku 

What, no bagpipes?

How about you?

David Ritchie,
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