[lit-ideas] Re: Discursive Reminiscences Of An European Journey

  • From: Mike Geary <jejunejesuit.geary2@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2015 20:18:01 -0500

Look here, don't try to intimidate me with "A tall man, standing 6 feet and
7 inches''. So? I'm only 5 foot 5 inches tall, but every inch is pure
killer. I ain't scared of no dress-wearing Scotsman. Hell, they're too
damn scared of the world to even separate themsissyselves from smog-fogged
England. Shout it from the highest hill "an hour" "a howitzer, or be
prepared to live among them what speaks English an horrible way.

On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 1:31 PM, Redacted sender Jlsperanza for DMARC <
dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

In a message dated 10/12/2015 2:16:58 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
profdritchie@xxxxxxxxx writes:
As for the Scots…just don’t mention Europe, the noo. It’s a bit of a
sore point

Well, oddly (or perhaps not that oddly), Young is a Scots, and he says "an
European". He has his own Wiki entry, which alas, fails to report the
charming subtitle to his book.

Young, Chasing an ancient Greek: discursive reminiscences of an European

Young's book has been described as a brilliant testimony to Young's
multilingual skills and what he called the "Good Europeanism", as he
his appreciation of sixteenth century Scottish humanism as exemplified in
for example Henry Scrymger. Scrymger was a Dundonian and Hellenist, whom
Young places within a larger context of Scottish Renaissance humanists
studied and held professorial posts at *continental* European

Young was born in Tayport, Fife, the son of Stephen Young, a mercantile
clerk employed in India (east of Europe) by a Dundee jute firm.

Young senior had insisted that, for some reason, his pregnant wife return
home to give birth to their son in Scotland (implicature: Europe? rather
than India, east of Europe).

However, shortly after his birth in Fife, Scotland, Douglas was taken to
India (where he had been 'conceived') with his mother, where he spent the
early part of his childhood in Bengal, speaking Urdu as a second language

From the age of eight Young attended Merchiston Castle, a school in
Edinburgh, where he developed a deep interest in history and the classics.

He studied at St Andrews (the uni not the golf course, but Nancy Mitford
says it's non-U to say 'uni'), graduating with an first-class MA in

Young then went down to New College, Oxford, from 1935 to 1938 -- when
curiously, H. P. Grice was reading classics at Corpus Christi.

Young began his professional academic career at Aberdeen, where was
assistant lecturer in classics from 1938 to 1941.

A tall man, standing at 6 feet and 7 inches (200 cm) tall, he also
possessed a large range of talents over a wide array of subjects and was
recognised as a polymath -- and he did say "an European journey".

Geary has all the details of Young's "European journey": By using "an
European journey", Young insists (via implicature) that his was not _the_
European country (cfr. Grice, "I came back home and saw an eagle in the
yard" -- "If it later transpires that it was my pet eagle, my use of 'an'
only confuse" -- it may be a different implicature if he saw 'a



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