[lit-ideas] Re: Comments on Stans articles

  • From: "Andreas Ramos" <andreas@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 21:54:15 -0700

From: "Lawrence Helm" <lawrencehelm@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Both the articles that are the occasion of your objection illustrate something very important, that the conflict we are witnessing is between a Liberal Democracy and forces that favor tyrannical authoritarianism*.

The other article, the Haaretz editorial draws our attention at a broader
level to the same thing: a Liberal Democracy is fighting against the forces
of tyrannical authoritarianism*, in this case Militant Islam in the form of
a Terrorist organization

I wonder how Lawrence would analyze the USSR's war in Afghanistan?

The Soviets fought a occupationalist war against Islamic resistance fighters. Were the Soviets a bunch of leftists? Certainly not; the jihadists are New York defeatist leftists, so the Soviets must be right wing conservatives. Wait, were the Soviet anti-American liberals or pro-American conservatives? They fought against jihadists, so they must be pro-Americans, right?

A few more lines of this, and I'll have Lawrence marching in Red Square, singing the Gimn Sovetskovo Soyuza.

The jihadists were funded by the CIA, so they were militant tyrannical authoritarianists? Or the moral equivalent of the Founding Fathers? Were they freedom fighters when their Stingers were aimed at Soviet Mil Mi-24 Hind gunship helicopters and Islamo-fascists when their Stingers were aimed at US Apache helicopters?

What happens when a dusty Mujahideen fighter is spinning around in a field, aiming his missile launcher at a Hind, then an Apache, then a Hind, then an Apache? Is Lawrence changing his definition with each spin? Or is the poor jihadist just totally dizzy?

I can't wait for "Taliban! The Musical."


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