[lit-ideas] Re: Bible Belt Buckles

  • From: Jlsperanza@xxxxxxx
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 4 Aug 2004 10:02:46 EDT

In a message dated 8/4/2004 2:56:30 AM Eastern Standard Time,  
atlas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
I have  news for JL, not only can he be a part of the Bible Belt but he can
have an  actual Bible Belt  Buckle.

This is  surely more exciting than Marston's issolect...  Goddless Communism 
is to blame for most
ellipses..  Before the Supreme  Court became a tool of the Commies and said
it was OK to burn our flag, and  to keep to Christ from attending public
schools and crecheing out on  government property, well, we knew who we were
then -- we were God fearing  Biblebelters!  Who knows who we are now?

Okay. I was confused -- but no longer.
In a previous note, it was suggested that perhaps "God bless you", as a  
reply to "Atchoo" had originated with Pope Gregory the Great:

    Pope Gregory the Great (540-604 AD) ascended to the 
    Papacy just in time for the start of the plague 
    (his successor succumbed to it). Gregory (who also 
    invented the ever-popular Gregorian chant) called for 
    litanies, processions and unceasing prayer 

So it occurred to me -- following a suggestion by J. Krueger -- that it  
could be possible that the idiom originally meant:
        A: Atchoo
        B: Bless you.
                 (Short for: Pope Gregory Bless you).
-- the dogma being that it's only the pope (rather than God self) who _can_  
_bless_ mortals.
This posed a problem for the subjunctive:
"God bless you", being subjunctive, is easy to explain "Let God bless you". 
But it seemed otiose (to me) that if it is the _pope_ who blesses you that  
his reference also be subjunctival.
Marston's issolect fails to make any reference to Pope Gregory, so I  thought 
I would ask.
Thank you for your reply,

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