[lit-ideas] Re: Anscombe Society threats

  • From: Eric Yost <mr.eric.yost@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2007 14:54:18 -0500

>>n 'Freakonomics' there is a chapter on the falling crime rate and it appears the culprit for this rapid decline is not Rudy but _Roev.Wade_. Unpalatable but statistically true (apparently).

Yes, I heard the author present that argument a while ago when the book was brand new. It's a good one: the correlation between legalized abortion and lowering crime. The generational effect of legalized abortion acting over a twenty-year period. Seems very convincing. No argument there. Long-term changes. A good point that should be more widely known.

However, there are many books that use mathematics and game theory to describe how Rudy's techniques dramatically affected all kinds of crime over a period of four years. Will cite some later if you need further info.

However, I saw this change in crime happen in NYC, 1990-2000.

That it involves a confluence of fortuitous factors I have no doubt. That Rudy's change in policing was a critical factor for the short-term changes, I also have no doubt.

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