[linux-cirrus] Re: U-Boot for EP93xx: status of ethernet driver

  • From: llandre <r&d2@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ito@xxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 17:17:35 +0200


I've just applied your latest patch
and it seems it works very well. So far I got no more error messages.
Also I noted that my old driver, when built with ELDK 4.0 that is based
on GCC 4.0, have much more problems with respect to the same code built
with the toolchain provided by ELDK 3.1 (GCC 3.3.3). I mean that the
error messages here posted
//www.freelists.org/archives/linux-cirrus/07-2006/msg00022.html are
much much more frequent ...

Attached is my driver after applying your patch. I think I still have a
little difference about these registers:

        OpReg_TxDTH = 0x00040000;

        OpReg_TxSTH = 0x00040000;
        OpReg_RxDTH = 0x00040000;
        OpReg_RxSTH = 0x00040000;

These initializations were copied from the RedBoot driver released by
Cirrus. Do you think they must be removed?

Best regards,

DAVE Electronics System House - R&D Department
web:   http://www.dave-tech.it
email: r&d2@xxxxxxxxxxxx

> Cory, Hiroshi,
> thanks a lot for your help. I'll apply the fixes to the ethernet driver
> and I'll test it. However it will not be easy to understand if they
> correct the problem I encountered, because it happens very very rarely.

/* vim: set ts=8 sw=8 noet:
 * Cirrus Logic EP93xx ethernet MAC / MII driver.
 * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005
 * Cory T. Tusar, Videon Central, Inc., <ctusar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
 * Based on the original eth.[ch] Cirrus Logic EP93xx Rev D. Ethernet Driver,
 * which is
 * (C) Copyright 2002 2003
 * Adam Bezanson, Network Audio Technologies, Inc.
 * <bezanson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
 * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this project.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include <command.h>
#include <common.h>
#include <asm/arch/ep93xx.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <miiphy.h>
#include <net.h>
#include <linux/types.h>

 * Send an error message to the terminal.
#define ERROR(x) \
do { \
        char *__foo = strrchr(__FILE__, '/'); \
        printf("%s: %d: %s(): ", (__foo == NULL ? __FILE__ : (__foo + 1)), \
                        __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); \
        printf x; printf("\n"); \
} while (0);

 * Send a trace message to the terminal.
#if 0
#define TRACE(x) \
do { \
        char *__foo = strrchr(__FILE__, '/'); \
        printf("%s: %d: %s(): ", (__foo == NULL ? __FILE__ : (__foo + 1)), \
                __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); \
        printf x; printf("\n"); \
} while (0);

#define TRACE(x)

/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * EP93xx ethernet MAC functionality

 * #define this to dump device status and queue info during initialization and
 * following errors.

 * Number of descriptor and status entries in our RX queues.
 * It must be power of 2 !
#define NUMRXDESC               (PKTBUFSRX)

 * Number of descriptor and status entries in our TX queues.
#define NUMTXDESC               (1)

 * 944 = (1024 - 64) - 16, Fifo size - Minframesize - 16 (Chip FACT)
#define TXSTARTMAX              (944)

 * Ethernet MAC interface return values for public functions.
enum eth_status {

 * Receive descriptor queue entry
struct rx_descriptor_t {
        union {
                uint32_t word1;

                struct {
                        unsigned buffer_address : 32;

        union {
                uint32_t word2;

                struct {
                        unsigned buffer_length  : 16;
                        unsigned buffer_index   : 15;
                        unsigned not_sof        :  1;
} __attribute__((packed));

typedef struct rx_descriptor_t rx_descriptor_t;

 * Receive status queue entry
struct rx_status_t {
        union {
                uint32_t word1;

                struct {
                        unsigned                :  8;
                        unsigned hti            :  6;
                        unsigned                :  1;
                        unsigned crci           :  1;
                        unsigned crce           :  1;
                        unsigned edata          :  1;
                        unsigned runt           :  1;
                        unsigned fe             :  1;
                        unsigned oe             :  1;
                        unsigned rx_err         :  1;
                        unsigned am             :  2;
                        unsigned                :  4;
                        unsigned eob            :  1;
                        unsigned eof            :  1;
                        unsigned rwe            :  1;
                        unsigned rfp            :  1;

        union {
                uint32_t word2;

                struct {
                        unsigned frame_length   : 16;
                        unsigned buffer_index   : 15;
                        unsigned rfp            :  1;
} __attribute__((packed));

typedef struct rx_status_t rx_status_t;

 * Transmit descriptor queue entry
struct tx_descriptor_t
        union {
                uint32_t word1;

                struct {
                        unsigned buffer_address : 32;

        union {
                uint32_t word2;

                struct {
                        unsigned buffer_length  : 12;
                        unsigned                :  3;
                        unsigned abort_frame    :  1;
                        unsigned buffer_index   : 15;
                        unsigned eof            :  1;
} __attribute__((packed));

typedef struct tx_descriptor_t tx_descriptor_t;

 * Transmit status queue entry
struct tx_status_t {
        union {
                uint32_t word1;

                struct {
                        unsigned tbi            : 15;
                        unsigned                :  1;
                        unsigned ncoll          :  5;
                        unsigned                :  3;
                        unsigned ecoll          :  1;
                        unsigned txu            :  1;
                        unsigned ow             :  1;
                        unsigned                :  1;
                        unsigned lcrs           :  1;
                        unsigned fa             :  1;
                        unsigned txwe           :  1;
                        unsigned txfp           :  1;
} __attribute__((packed));

typedef struct tx_status_t tx_status_t;

 * Transmit descriptor queue
struct tx_descriptor_queue_t {
        tx_descriptor_t *base;
        tx_descriptor_t *current;
        tx_descriptor_t *end;

typedef struct tx_descriptor_queue_t tx_descriptor_queue_t;

 * Transmit status queue
struct tx_status_queue_t {
        tx_status_t *base;
        tx_status_t *current;
        tx_status_t *end;

typedef struct tx_status_queue_t tx_status_queue_t;

 * Receive descriptor queue
struct rx_descriptor_queue_t {
        rx_descriptor_t *base;
        rx_descriptor_t *current;
        rx_descriptor_t *end;

typedef struct rx_descriptor_queue_t rx_descriptor_queue_t;

 * Receive status queue
struct rx_status_queue_t {
        rx_status_t *base;
        rx_status_t *current;
        rx_status_t *end;

typedef struct rx_status_queue_t rx_status_queue_t;

 * EP93xx MAC private data structure
struct ep93xx_mac {
        int                     is_initialized;

        rx_descriptor_queue_t   rx_dq;
        rx_status_queue_t       rx_sq;
        void *                  rx_buffer[NUMRXDESC];

        tx_descriptor_queue_t   tx_dq;
        tx_status_queue_t       tx_sq;

/* ep93xx_miiphy ops forward declarations */
static int ep93xx_miiphy_read(char * const dev, unsigned char const addr,
                unsigned char const reg, unsigned short * const value);
static int ep93xx_miiphy_write(char * const dev, unsigned char const addr,
                unsigned char const reg, unsigned short const value);

/* Reserve memory for the MAC's private data */
static struct ep93xx_mac dev = { 0 };

 * Dump ep93xx_mac values to the terminal.
extern inline void dump_dev(void)
#if defined(EP93XX_MAC_DEBUG)
        int i;

        printf("  is_initialized     %02X\n", dev.is_initialized);
        printf("  rx_dq.base         %08X\n", dev.rx_dq.base);
        printf("  rx_dq.current      %08X\n", dev.rx_dq.current);
        printf("  rx_dq.end          %08X\n", dev.rx_dq.end);
        printf("  rx_sq.base         %08X\n", dev.rx_sq.base);
        printf("  rx_sq.current      %08X\n", dev.rx_sq.current);
        printf("  rx_sq.end          %08X\n", dev.rx_sq.end);

        for (i = 0; i < NUMRXDESC; i++) {
                printf("  rx_buffer[%2.d]      %08X\n", i, NetRxPackets[i]);

        printf("  tx_dq.base         %08X\n", dev.tx_dq.base);
        printf("  tx_dq.current      %08X\n", dev.tx_dq.current);
        printf("  tx_dq.end          %08X\n", dev.tx_dq.end);
        printf("  tx_sq.base         %08X\n", dev.tx_sq.base);
        printf("  tx_sq.current      %08X\n", dev.tx_sq.current);
        printf("  tx_sq.end          %08X\n", dev.tx_sq.end);
#endif  /* defined(EP93XX_MAC_DEBUG) */

 * Dump all RX descriptor queue entries to the terminal.
extern inline void dump_rx_descriptor_queue(void)
#if defined(EP93XX_MAC_DEBUG)
        int i;

        printf("  descriptor address     word1           word2\n");
        for (i = 0; i < NUMRXDESC; i++) {
                printf("  [ %08X ]           %08X        %08X\n",
                                (dev.rx_dq.base + i),
                                (dev.rx_dq.base + i)->word1,
                                (dev.rx_dq.base + i)->word2);
#endif  /* defined(EP93XX_MAC_DEBUG) */

 * Dump all RX status queue entries to the terminal.
extern inline void dump_rx_status_queue(void)
#if defined(EP93XX_MAC_DEBUG)
        int i;

        printf("  descriptor address     word1           word2\n");
        for (i = 0; i < NUMRXDESC; i++) {
                printf("  [ %08X ]           %08X        %08X\n",
                                (dev.rx_sq.base + i),
                                (dev.rx_sq.base + i)->word1,
                                (dev.rx_sq.base + i)->word2);
#endif  /* defined(EP93XX_MAC_DEBUG) */

 * Dump all TX descriptor queue entries to the terminal.
extern inline void dump_tx_descriptor_queue(void)
#if defined(EP93XX_MAC_DEBUG)
        int i;

        printf("  descriptor address     word1           word2\n");
        for (i = 0; i < NUMTXDESC; i++) {
                printf("  [ %08X ]           %08X        %08X\n",
                                (dev.tx_dq.base + i),
                                (dev.tx_dq.base + i)->word1,
                                (dev.tx_dq.base + i)->word2);
#endif  /* defined(EP93XX_MAC_DEBUG) */

 * Dump all TX status queue entries to the terminal.
extern inline void dump_tx_status_queue(void)
#if defined(EP93XX_MAC_DEBUG)
        int i;

        printf("  descriptor address     word1\n");
        for (i = 0; i < NUMTXDESC; i++) {
                printf("  [ %08X ]           %08X\n",
                                (dev.rx_sq.base + i),
                                (dev.rx_sq.base + i)->word1);
#endif  /* defined(EP93XX_MAC_DEBUG) */

 * Reset the EP93xx MAC by twiddling the soft reset bit and spinning until
 * it's cleared.
static void ep93xx_mac_reset(void)

        OpReg_SelfCTL |= SelfCTL_RESET;
        while (OpReg_SelfCTL & SelfCTL_RESET) {
                /* nop */


 * Halt EP93xx MAC transmit and receive by clearing the TxCTL and RxCTL
 * registers.
extern void eth_halt(void)

        OpReg_RxCTL = 0x00000000;
        OpReg_TxCTL = 0x00000000;


#if defined(CONFIG_MII)
extern int ep93xx_miiphy_initialize(bd_t * const bd)
  miiphy_register("ep93xx_eth0", ep93xx_miiphy_read,
  return 0;

 * Initialize the EP93xx MAC.  The MAC hardware is reset.  Buffers are
 * allocated, if necessary, for the TX and RX descriptor and status queues,
 * as well as for received packets.  The EP93XX MAC hardware is initialized.
 * Transmit and receive operations are enabled.
extern int eth_init(bd_t * const bd)
        int ret = ETH_STATUS_FAILURE;
        int i;


        /* Parameter check */
        if (bd == NULL) {
                ERROR(("NULL bd"));
                goto eth_init_failed_0;

        /* Reset the MAC */

        /* Allocate space for the queues and RX packet buffers if we're not
         * already initialized */
        if (!dev.is_initialized) {
                if ((dev.tx_dq.base = calloc(NUMTXDESC,
                                        sizeof(tx_descriptor_t))) == NULL) {
                        ERROR(("calloc() failed"));
                        goto eth_init_failed_0;

                if ((dev.tx_sq.base = calloc(NUMTXDESC,
                                        sizeof(tx_status_t))) == NULL) {
                        ERROR(("calloc() failed"));
                        goto eth_init_failed_1;

                if ((dev.rx_dq.base = calloc(NUMRXDESC,
                                        sizeof(rx_descriptor_t))) == NULL) {
                        ERROR(("calloc() failed"));
                        goto eth_init_failed_2;

                if ((dev.rx_sq.base = calloc(NUMRXDESC,
                                        sizeof(rx_status_t))) == NULL) {
                        ERROR(("calloc() failed"));
                        goto eth_init_failed_3;

                /* Set is_initialized flag so we don't go through allocation
                 * portion of init again. */
                dev.is_initialized = 1;

        /* Reset the descriptor queues' current and end address values */
        dev.tx_dq.current = dev.tx_dq.base;
        dev.tx_dq.end = (dev.tx_dq.base + NUMTXDESC);

        dev.tx_sq.current = dev.tx_sq.base;
        dev.tx_sq.end = (dev.tx_sq.base + NUMTXDESC);

        dev.rx_dq.current = dev.rx_dq.base;
        dev.rx_dq.end = (dev.rx_dq.base + NUMRXDESC);

        dev.rx_sq.current = dev.rx_sq.base;
        dev.rx_sq.end = (dev.rx_sq.base + NUMRXDESC);

        /* Set the transmit descriptor and status queues' base address,
         * current address, and length registers.  Set the maximum frame
         * length and threshold.  Enable the transmit descriptor processor. */
        OpReg_TxDBA = (uint32_t)dev.tx_dq.base;
        OpReg_TxDCA = (uint32_t)dev.tx_dq.base;
        OpReg_TxDBL = (sizeof(tx_descriptor_t) * NUMTXDESC);

        OpReg_TxSBA = (uint32_t)dev.tx_sq.base;
        OpReg_TxSCA = (uint32_t)dev.tx_sq.base;
        OpReg_TxDTH = 0x00040000;
        OpReg_TxSBL = (sizeof(tx_status_t) * NUMTXDESC);
        OpReg_TxSTH = 0x00040000;

        OpReg_MaxFL = (TXSTARTMAX << 0) | (PKTSIZE_ALIGN << 16);
        OpReg_BMCTL = BMCTL_TxEn;

        /* Set the receive descriptor and status queues' base address,
         * current address, and length registers.  Enable the receive
         * descriptor processor. */
        OpReg_RxDBA = (uint32_t)dev.rx_dq.base;
        OpReg_RxDCA = (uint32_t)dev.rx_dq.base;
        OpReg_RxDBL = (sizeof(rx_descriptor_t) * NUMRXDESC);

        OpReg_RxSBA = (uint32_t)dev.rx_sq.base;
        OpReg_RxSCA = (uint32_t)dev.rx_sq.base;
        OpReg_RxSBL = (sizeof(rx_status_t) * NUMRXDESC);
        OpReg_RxDTH = 0x00040000;

        OpReg_BMCTL = BMCTL_RxEn;
        OpReg_RxSTH = 0x00040000;

        /* Wait until the receive descriptor processor is active */
        while (!(OpReg_BMSts & BMSts_RxAct)) {
                /* nop */

        /* Initialize the RX descriptor queue.  Clear the TX descriptor queue.
         * Clear the RX and TX status queues.  Enqueue the RX descriptor and
         * status entries to the MAC. */
        for (i = 0; i < NUMRXDESC; i++) {
                (dev.rx_dq.base + i)->buffer_address =
                (dev.rx_dq.base + i)->buffer_length = PKTSIZE_ALIGN;
                (dev.rx_dq.base + i)->buffer_index = 0;

        memset(dev.tx_dq.base, 0, (sizeof(tx_descriptor_t) * NUMTXDESC));
        memset(dev.rx_sq.base, 0, (sizeof(rx_status_t) * NUMRXDESC));
        memset(dev.tx_sq.base, 0, (sizeof(tx_status_t) * NUMTXDESC));

        OpReg_RxDEQ = NUMRXDESC;
        OpReg_RxSEQ = NUMRXDESC;

        /* Set the primary MAC address */
        OpReg_AFP = AFP_IAPrimary;
        OpReg_IndAd = (bd->bi_enetaddr[0] |
                        (bd->bi_enetaddr[1] << 8) |
                        (bd->bi_enetaddr[2] << 16) |
                        (bd->bi_enetaddr[3] << 24));
        OpReg_IndAd1 = (bd->bi_enetaddr[4] | (bd->bi_enetaddr[5] << 8));

        /* Turn on RX and TX */
        OpReg_RxCTL = (RxCTL_IndividualAccept0 | RxCTL_BroadcastA |
                        RxCTL_SerRxON | RxCTL_RuntCRCA | RxCTL_MulticastA);
        OpReg_TxCTL = TxCTL_SerTxON;

        /* Dump data structures if we're debugging */

        /* Done! */
        ret = ETH_STATUS_SUCCESS;
        goto eth_init_done;

        /* Fall through */

        /* Fall through */

        /* Fall through */

        /* Fall through */

        TRACE(("-eth_init %d", ret));

 * Copy a frame of data from the MAC into the protocol layer for further
 * processing.
 * TODO: Enhance this to deal with as many packets as are available at
 * the MAC at one time? */
extern int eth_rx(void)
        int ret = ETH_STATUS_FAILURE;


        if (dev.rx_sq.current->rfp ) {
                if ( dev.rx_sq.current->rwe) {
                        /* We have a good frame.  Extract the frame's length
                         * from the current rx_status_queue entry, and copy
                         * the frame's data into NetRxPackets[] of the
                         * protocol stack.  We track the total number of
                         * bytes in the frame (nbytes_frame) which will be
                         * used when we pass the data off to the protocol
                         * layer via NetReceive(). */
                                dev.rx_sq.current->frame_length );
                        TRACE(("reporting %d bytes...\n",
                        ret = ETH_STATUS_SUCCESS;
                } else {
                        /* Do we have an erroneous packet? */
                        ERROR(("packet rx error, status %08X %08X",

                /* Clear the associated status queue entry, and
                 * increment our current pointers to the next RX
                 * descriptor and status queue entries (making sure
                 * we wrap properly). */
                memset(dev.rx_sq.current, 0, sizeof(rx_status_t));

                if (dev.rx_sq.current >= dev.rx_sq.end)
                        dev.rx_sq.current = dev.rx_sq.base;

                if (dev.rx_dq.current >= dev.rx_dq.end) {
                        dev.rx_dq.current = dev.rx_dq.base;

                /* Finally, return the RX descriptor and status entries
                 * back to the MAC engine, and loop again, checking for
                 * more descriptors to process. */
                OpReg_RxDEQ = 1;
                OpReg_RxSEQ = 1;
        } else {
                ret = ETH_STATUS_SUCCESS;

        TRACE(("-eth_rx %d", ret));

 * Send a block of data via ethernet.
 * TODO: Enhance this to deal with as much data as are available at one time? */
extern int eth_send(volatile void * const packet, int const length)
        int ret = ETH_STATUS_FAILURE;


        /* Parameter check */
        if (packet == NULL) {
                ERROR(("NULL packet"));
                goto eth_send_failed_0;

        /* Initialize the TX descriptor queue with the new packet's info.
         * Clear the associated status queue entry.  Enqueue the packet
         * to the MAC for transmission. */
        dev.tx_dq.current->buffer_address = (uint32_t)packet;
        dev.tx_dq.current->buffer_length = length;
        dev.tx_dq.current->buffer_index = 0;
        dev.tx_dq.current->eof = 1;

        dev.tx_sq.current->word1 = 0;

        OpReg_TxDEQ = 1;

        /* Wait for TX to complete, and check status entry for errors. */
        while (!(OpReg_IntStsC & IntSts_TxStsQ)) {
                /* nop */

        if (!dev.tx_sq.current->txfp || !dev.tx_sq.current->txwe) {
                ERROR(("packet tx error, status %08X",

                /* TODO: Add better error handling? */
                goto eth_send_failed_0;

        ret = ETH_STATUS_SUCCESS;
        /* Fall through */

        TRACE(("-eth_send %d", ret));
#endif  /* defined(CONFIG_DRIVER_EP93XX_MAC) */

/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * EP93xx ethernet MII functionality.
#if defined(CONFIG_MII)

 * Maximum MII address we support
#define MII_ADDRESS_MAX                 (31)

 * Maximum MII register address we support
#define MII_REGISTER_MAX                (31)

 * Ethernet MII interface return values for public functions.
enum mii_status {

 * Read a 16-bit value from an MII register.
static int ep93xx_miiphy_read(char * const dev, unsigned char const addr,
                unsigned char const reg, unsigned short * const value)
        int ret = MII_STATUS_FAILURE;
        uint32_t self_ctl;


        /* Parameter checks */
        if (dev == NULL) {
                ERROR(("NULL dev"));
                goto ep93xx_miiphy_read_failed_0;

        if (addr > MII_ADDRESS_MAX) {
                ERROR(("invalid addr, 0x%02X", addr));
                goto ep93xx_miiphy_read_failed_0;

        if (reg > MII_REGISTER_MAX) {
                ERROR(("invalid reg, 0x%02X", reg));
                goto ep93xx_miiphy_read_failed_0;

        if (value == NULL) {
                ERROR(("NULL value"));
                goto ep93xx_miiphy_read_failed_0;

        /* Save the current SelfCTL register value.  Set MAC to suppress
         * preamble bits.  Wait for any previous MII command to complete
         * before issuing the new command. */
        self_ctl = OpReg_SelfCTL;
        OpReg_SelfCTL = (self_ctl & ~(1 << 8));
#endif  /* defined(CONFIG_MII_SUPPRESS_PREAMBLE) */

        while (OpReg_MIISts & MIISts_Busy) {
                /* nop */

        /* Issue the MII 'read' command.  Wait for the command to complete.
         * Read the MII data value. */
        OpReg_MIICmd = (MIICmd_Opcode_Read | ((uint32_t)addr << 5) |
        while (OpReg_MIISts & MIISts_Busy) {
                /* nop */

        *value = (unsigned short)OpReg_MIIData;

        /* Restore the saved SelfCTL value and return. */
        OpReg_SelfCTL = self_ctl;

        ret = MII_STATUS_SUCCESS;
        /* Fall through */


 * Write a 16-bit value to an MII register.
static int ep93xx_miiphy_write(char * const dev, unsigned char const addr,
                unsigned char const reg, unsigned short const value)
        int ret = MII_STATUS_FAILURE;
        uint32_t self_ctl;


        /* Parameter checks */
        if (dev == NULL) {
                ERROR(("NULL dev"));
                goto ep93xx_miiphy_write_failed_0;

        if (addr > MII_ADDRESS_MAX) {
                ERROR(("invalid addr, 0x%02X", addr));
                goto ep93xx_miiphy_write_failed_0;

        if (reg > MII_REGISTER_MAX) {
                ERROR(("invalid reg, 0x%02X", reg));
                goto ep93xx_miiphy_write_failed_0;

        /* Save the current SelfCTL register value.  Set MAC to suppress
         * preamble bits.  Wait for any previous MII command to complete
         * before issuing the new command. */
        self_ctl = OpReg_SelfCTL;
        OpReg_SelfCTL = (self_ctl & ~(1 << 8));
#endif  /* defined(CONFIG_MII_SUPPRESS_PREAMBLE) */

        while (OpReg_MIISts & MIISts_Busy) {
                /* nop */

        /* Issue the MII 'write' command.  Wait for the command to complete. */
        OpReg_MIIData = (uint32_t)value;
        OpReg_MIICmd = (MIICmd_Opcode_Write | ((uint32_t)addr << 5) |
        while (OpReg_MIISts & MIISts_Busy) {
                /* nop */

        /* Restore the saved SelfCTL value and return. */
        OpReg_SelfCTL = self_ctl;

        ret = MII_STATUS_SUCCESS;
        /* Fall through */

#endif  /* defined(CONFIG_MII) */

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